St. Peter denied Christ three times and Christ still made him the leader of His Church on Earth.
Respectfully opinion only and agree in what one said, but Jesus did he not also rebuke and correct St Peter? And did Jesus not state when asking St Peter ?>Who do they say I am?
What was Jesus reply back to St Peter for he got the correct answer, attained Spiritual Knowledge did he?
Was Jesus reply?>>You did not learn that from Me, but from My Father?
Does Jesus not remind His Apostles what He spoke of before hand? No one can come onto me ,unless my Father has sent them to me?
There is a saying is there not? Success teaches us nothing, but it is our failures that brings us to success? Do we not learn from our failures and rise to a higher self within? St Peter had to experience his failures, preparing St Peter for the heavy task that will be placed before him?
St Peter now being prepared will come to understand through his own failures, personal experience, when spreading the Spoken Word of God, those who will struggle with such hearing. teaching and he will be tolerant toward those and labor hard in guiding them also into the fold of Faith and Belief in God Our Creator, will he not?
And did Jesus not also set out to correct the errors of their ways>> the Pharisees?
Higher learned men of the Sanhedrin Jerusalem Court Council?
Jesus rebukes his own Temple Elders, why?
Those who also served within his Father Temple, why?
For Jesus knew all things even that which was hidden, correct?
Jesus did he not, rebuke harshly making it strongly known, that those who seek to serve God, are given the great heavy task, they will all be held responsible, accountable, for they were entrusted to uphold His Spoken Word, would this not be true?
Did Jesus not rebuke them all, boldly, harshly in no uncertain words, where Jesus comes in the flesh>> to make known, judging them and identifies the errors of their ways for all to hear, in Matthew chapter 23?
I am Holy thou art to be Holy also, is this not written?
Pondering on. Asking then are we not all called to become Holy? Was never meant for the few to make it their life long profession was it, but a call out for all?
His Spoken Word for all to hear?
The wheat grow among the tares?
Pondering on. Are we not all called to become His disciples also in serving the Lord and spread the Good News, His Spoken Word for all to hear?
We are all Human, we all fall short of his glory, called to correct the errors of our ways for all are weaken in the flesh?
Respectfully and Loving toward never to offend, but only in seeking understanding. Peace