The following Cosmological Argument is excerpted from my draft book (see Preview at www.religiouspluralism.ca). No less a critic than Immanuel Kant said that it is impossible to avoid the conclusion that if something exists, then something exists necessarily. In other words, not all things can be contingent, but there must be some necessary being.
Then, either there is a First Cause, which is God transcendent; or else the universe is eternally recreating itself, which is God immanent. God may be either the one or the other, or some combination of both. If it is a combination, then all three explanations may be true in different respects. To preserve systematic unity, each explanatory factor might be an expression of One God manifest in three dimensions or personae: God the prime creator, God the supreme being, and God the ultimate unconditioned (limitless) source/destiny of all that is.
If this Trinity is the necessary and sufficient cause of itself, then this threefold expression of divinity must be inseparably united, with the three personae existing all at once and simultaneously, in order to complete the circle of creation out of nothing but the idea of each other, and reason itself.
Thus there may be a Causal Loop, in which case the beginning is also the ending, and the universe may be periodically creating itself. Causal loops are impossible if time is a linear sequence of cause and effect stretching eternally into the past, and infinitely into the future. However, a loop may be possible if time has a beginning from nothing at some point in the past, and an ending in “nothing” at some point in the future. Creation ex nihilo (out of nothing) – the Deity is originally an existential potential and his Universe becomes eventually an experiential actual.
Based on observations of the expanding universe and other evidence, the Big Bang theory suggests that about 14 billion years ago the universe exploded into existence out of an infinitesimal singularity, and this constitutes the beginning of the universe, i.e. matter, energy, space, time, and all physical laws out of nothing. Now, if entropy eventually reduces the universe to “undifferentiated sameness, which is indistinguishable from nothingness” (Eddington), then the destiny of the universe may be virtually the same as its beginning.
Therefore, from the universe point of view, the explanation of reality may be a causal loop which creates itself periodically as some sort of systematic unity or “gestalt” of energy and consciousness, with the pinnacle of this “creation” amounting to a Universe Allsoul or Supreme Being, who is God (or a personification of God).
It has been said that “nothing comes from nothing,” but the three persons of the Trinity apparently solve this metaphysical problem by sharing the Absolute in a united construct of mutual support, depending only on the notion of each other and the ‘force’ of pure and practical reason. In abstract terms, these three absolutes of creation may be called the Deity Absolute, the Universe Absolute Supreme Being, and the Unconditioned Absolute Spirit of Consummation.
Samuel Stuart Maynes
Then, either there is a First Cause, which is God transcendent; or else the universe is eternally recreating itself, which is God immanent. God may be either the one or the other, or some combination of both. If it is a combination, then all three explanations may be true in different respects. To preserve systematic unity, each explanatory factor might be an expression of One God manifest in three dimensions or personae: God the prime creator, God the supreme being, and God the ultimate unconditioned (limitless) source/destiny of all that is.
If this Trinity is the necessary and sufficient cause of itself, then this threefold expression of divinity must be inseparably united, with the three personae existing all at once and simultaneously, in order to complete the circle of creation out of nothing but the idea of each other, and reason itself.
Thus there may be a Causal Loop, in which case the beginning is also the ending, and the universe may be periodically creating itself. Causal loops are impossible if time is a linear sequence of cause and effect stretching eternally into the past, and infinitely into the future. However, a loop may be possible if time has a beginning from nothing at some point in the past, and an ending in “nothing” at some point in the future. Creation ex nihilo (out of nothing) – the Deity is originally an existential potential and his Universe becomes eventually an experiential actual.
Based on observations of the expanding universe and other evidence, the Big Bang theory suggests that about 14 billion years ago the universe exploded into existence out of an infinitesimal singularity, and this constitutes the beginning of the universe, i.e. matter, energy, space, time, and all physical laws out of nothing. Now, if entropy eventually reduces the universe to “undifferentiated sameness, which is indistinguishable from nothingness” (Eddington), then the destiny of the universe may be virtually the same as its beginning.
Therefore, from the universe point of view, the explanation of reality may be a causal loop which creates itself periodically as some sort of systematic unity or “gestalt” of energy and consciousness, with the pinnacle of this “creation” amounting to a Universe Allsoul or Supreme Being, who is God (or a personification of God).
It has been said that “nothing comes from nothing,” but the three persons of the Trinity apparently solve this metaphysical problem by sharing the Absolute in a united construct of mutual support, depending only on the notion of each other and the ‘force’ of pure and practical reason. In abstract terms, these three absolutes of creation may be called the Deity Absolute, the Universe Absolute Supreme Being, and the Unconditioned Absolute Spirit of Consummation.
Samuel Stuart Maynes