Could children in limbo communicate with their parents in Heaven?

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This is going on the assumption that all unbaptized infants go to Limbo instead of Heaven.

Would it be possible that even though the children could never go to Heaven, they could still communicate with their parents in Heaven?

Similar to how people in Heaven communicate with us here on Earth?
Limbo really hasn’t been part of Church teaching for a long time.
we see:
  1. Therefore, besides the theory of Limbo (which remains a possible theological opinion), there can be other ways to integrate and safeguard the principles of the faith grounded in Scripture
Published by International Theological Commission, January 19, 2007. So Limbo was a possible opinion in 2007 (11 years ago). Not so long.
Why does the Church have “opinions” instead of infallible teaching?
Good question.

I suspect not, because if their parents are in heaven, they’ll probably be focused on other things.

That said, it’s not like the infants in limbo would be upset about it, because they enjoy perfect natural happiness there.
The supernatural happiness of heaven, which is perfect union with God (deification), far surpasses perfect natural happiness.
This is going on the assumption that all unbaptized infants go to Limbo instead of Heaven.

Would it be possible that even though the children could never go to Heaven, they could still communicate with their parents in Heaven?

Similar to how people in Heaven communicate with us here on Earth?
There’s a lot of theological speculation on the fate of unbaptized infants. Barring the hope of their eternal salvation, I do like Thomas Aquinas’ opinion that they receive great natural goodness and happiness in the resurrection and don’t feel a pain of loss.

As for whether they communicate with their parents after death if the unbaptized newborns don’t go to heaven, I do not know. We believe in saintly apparitions in this life, but after death could be different, no?
In the limbo of the infants, perfect natural happiness is enjoyed, whereas in Heaven, the beatific vision and perfect SUPERNATURAL happiness is enjoyed.
What is your source for this?
Catechism of the Catholic Church, Part One, Section 2, Chapter 3, Article 12, Subsection II. On Heaven after death.

We could find detailed sections in Ott’s Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma and Denzinger’s Sources of Catholic Dogma, too, with more details and references.
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Why does the Church have “opinions” instead of infallible teaching?
The Church cannot pronounce infallibly that for which no information is provided. We do not see beyond the veil…what happens after life on this earth is restricted to a very finite level of knowledge; everything else is speculative (opinions).
I lost a child to miscarriage before I even had a concept of infant baptism. After conversion, I struggled thinking I should have made certain that the hospital staff did a baptism there in the OR. After time, I have put this squarely in God’s hands.

Should I persevere and make it to heaven, I will be perfectly happy. If I find that my unbaptized child or my unbaptized Uncle are in heaven, I will be perfectly happy. If, on the other hand, I find that these people and others are not in heaven, I will be perfectly happy.
Because Christ knows that we do not need to know everything. We are given the knowledge, through both our own well formed reason and Holy Mother Church, that will help us in this life.

For a moment, imagine tomorrow the Church pronounced that all unbaptized children go directly to heaven. What would be the result? We would then begin to debate when a person stops being a child. Do we stick to the 7 “age of reason”? What about the mentally disabled 30 year old, do they count? Well if they count, what about my teen who has Aspergers?

Then, why baptize a infant. Let’s let them make up their own mind like the Protestants do.

On the other hand, if the official Declaration is that all unbaptized go to hell. People would despair for the children they lost, the number of illicit baptisms would skyrocket as not only every loving grandmother but some people would walk around Walmart with a bottle of water “baptizing” every child they saw.

A declaration like this would lead to more confusion, it would lessen people availing their children of the Sacraments, I cannot imagine what good it would do.
So when the child gets to heaven, is she the same age as when she died? And are her parents the same age as when she died or are they the age when they died?
We don’t know. We can only speculate. Saints who saw Jesus, he appears to be in his thirties. The Virgin Mary, when she appears, seems to look young, not in her 60s which is the likely age when she died.
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Why does it need yards of infallible teaching?
Its “opinions” btw are also known as doctrines or teachings.

Yes, it often allows the holding of differing valid views on a matter. It doesnt always know the answer.

Many religions thrive quite well without invoking infallibility at all. A slowly arising consensus seems more than adequate.
We do not see beyond the veil
Please can we avoid this expression from ancient pagan world view that comes again via Spiritualism and New Age religion. 🤔🤔🤔
Beyond death is adequate enough. ☺️
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So when the child gets to heaven, is she the same age as when she died? And are her parents the same age as when she died or are they the age when they died?
This is the subject of theological speculation. This doesn’t mean arguments aren’t made from scripture and tradition, but we do not know for a certainty. It was Thomas Aquinas’ position that the dead arise at the age of the prime of life, something like 30 years old. This goes for everyone. To Aquinas, children are aimed at developing to peak fitness of their nature, and also that aging was a defect away from this peak fitness. People are resurrected with their own nature perfected. There is a target for the perfection of each person’s nature. Deformities are also removed, as these are developmental “blocks” or privations preventing the nature from developing perfectly, or something along those lines. So people will be resurrected without the mental or physical deformities they had in life (so a person with an intellectual disability in this life, in which something went wrong developmentally from that person’s nature manifesting as it should, will not have it in the next.) The only case in which there could be physical deformities would be if they are intended as part of the punishment due to sin (not that it will happen, only that this would be the only reason it would). Those who died as children will also see their development completed.

So sorry for the long winded answer, I was trying to contextualize it.
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