Could God create another god?

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Sorry if this is in the wrong category. Could God create another god equally powerful to him? Is there a Catholic teaching on this?
No idea but I just had to read this one! Ok, let me think. I think it couldn’t happen because He is the uncaused Cause, therefore another god would be a “creature” and could not possess the same attributes.

The Nature and Attributes of God from the Catholic Encyclopedia is an interesting page which you may find helpful.
Could God create another god equally powerful to him?
By equally powerful do you mean like create a being with his “omni” qualities or do you mean like literally create a copy of himself?

If you mean the first, i guess it could be logically possible. However that being would never be “god” because as @CF_Mathews pointed out it would be a created being and it would still itself have a creator.

If you meant the second then you would run into the same problems as the first, a copy would still be created and therefore not equal to its creator.
Could God create another god equally powerful to him?
By equally powerful do you mean like create a being with his “omni” qualities or do you mean like literally create a copy of himself?

If you mean the first, i guess it could be logically possible. However that being would never be “god” because as @CF_Mathews pointed out it would be a created being and it would still itself have a creator.

If you meant the second then you would run into the same problems as the first, a copy would still be created and therefore not equal to its creator.
That makes perfect sense. And this is why God couldn’t have lost the war in heaven – because Lucifer and the one-third angels were all created beings and could never have been as powerful – and certainly not more powerful than God.
Yep. By definition God is eternal, the uncaused cause. A created god couldn’t be the equal of the creator God, and the created god’s existence would remain dependent on the real God.
Good day Emc3!
I think yes because there’s nothing impossible with God however it’s not necessary and we doesn’t need another God because we believe that there is only one God. We doesn’t need another God because God can make anything possible.
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You are right that nothing is impossible with God. To create another God would not be a thing, though, for to be God, God must be perfect, which means lacking in nothing. You can’t have two beings who lack nothing, because each would lack the perfection of the other. There can only be one God by nature, if there is not one God but another, then God is not God. If he is not one, he is not God. It does not limit God to say God cannot make another God, for if he did make another God this would contradict his nature as the one perfect being lacking nothing. The only being powerful enough, in theory, to make another God would be God himself, and yet if he made another God, he would not himself be God.

Also, to say that God could make another God would require that the second God be made, and not eternal, and thus not God. We cannot think of God as a creation, nor even a part of creation, and certainly not as a being who depends upon another being for his existence, for if a being is any of those things, it is not God.
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Amen! Thanks a lot edward_george1 I learned a lot of things from you! Thank You!!! 😍 😍 😍
It is like an admin of a computer creating an admin account for another user. So who actually controls the rest of the users at lower levels?
Not really. Multiple admins are possible because admins are not, by their nature, perfect and complete and possessed of all goodness.
If something is perfect and infinite then it has existed forever. If God creates another god then that god was not perfect because it had to be created and not already created, and thus not infinite and existing forever.

Your question answers itself. Just as @edward_george1 said.
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