To give you an example; The Church not giving people Bibles.
Historically, this is very true. However, what the accusers fail to take into account is that until the advent of the printing press, it was incredibly laborious and time consuming to produce even a single Bible. Monks would spend years of their lives hand copying each chapter, along with illustrating each page.
The Church kept the Bible under lock and key because it was literally the most expensive single item in the Church and, despite it’s great weight, would have been fairly easy to steal. This would have left everybody without the ability to engage in the liturgy.
So yes, the Bibles were kept under lock and key because it was absolutely necessary that they were.
To address the other problems:
Revering the pope on the same level of God is, frankly, nonsense. I’ve never met anyone who would fit this description.
The Church adopted certain pagan practices which were in and of themselves not morally tainted. For example, wedding rings and Christmas trees are both drawn from pagan traditions. A lot of philosophy in the early / mid-Church is also based on pagan philosophers like Socrates. The fact that these things found their origin in Paganism doesn’t make them intrinsically evil.