I agree with PaulfromIowa that it seems preposterous for trees, mountains etc to be due to us. But our science shouldn’t be based on what seems credible. (Unless “credibility” is made part of science). I don’t see the idea as any more preposterous than miracles
Thank you to Linus2nd and Cricket2 for clear statements. I expected that response, albeit reluctantly.
I say reluctantly because religion would benefit greatly if man made the world ie, if man were the author of his misfortune rather than God.
Petaro - there can be no proof. If man is the author of reality, it would be illogical to look to reality for a proof. Instead of proof, we might look for plausibility. The idea could be very plausible
I will look for scientific references later today (it’s a chilly winter daybreak here in New Zealand). Here is a religious account of the world from a scientific perspective: