It is absolutely sickening how cowardly our Bishops and are and honestly it is driving me from the faith.
If it makes you feel any better, @Shy_Catholic1, I more or less
stay disgusted by the situation in the Church, and if it were any
human organization — a business, an extended family, a university, a city, or even an entire country — I would have left a long time ago. I have been hearing this “weeds amongst the wheat”, or “wheat and tares” businesses for over 45 years now — that doesn’t fly in the business world, that doesn’t fly in the military, that doesn’t fly
anywhere but in the Catholic Church. On the job, you don’t get to pick what tasks you
will do, and what tasks you will
not do. In the military, you don’t get to pick what orders you
will follow, and what orders you will
not follow. You would be either fired or court-martialed as the case might be. Never heard of such a thing.
Stay. Just stay. You’re right, they’re wrong, but ultimately, it is “on them”, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Endless conciousness-raising on forums such as CAF is a possibility. That’s one reason I’m here in the first place — shine a light, hold up a mirror, always conscious of the beam in my own eye, but that shouldn’t keep one from speaking out. If we don’t,
who will?
Don’t give up!