Could this potentially be sinful?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Caitlin
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I was looking at bras from Victoria’s Secret. While scrolling through the app the thought came to my mind. I am only interested in the bras. Not the women wearing them. But could this still potentially be sinful? Because these women are barely dressed. They are also posed in some very not modest ways.
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It might be a near occasion of sin but I don’t think it would be sinful. If, however, you are lusting after the models, that would be sinful.
Men, and boys for many, many years have been looking at those for similar reasons. If you are shopping, and not lusting, no issue.
For underclothes, they have to be displayed somehow to allow shoppers to see and decide. On a hanger, or lying on a table may not be adequate. It also gives people work to model them.
Dominus vobiscum
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