“If anyone denies that the sacramental confession was instituted, and is necessary for salvation, by divine Law; or says that the manner of confessing secretly to a priest alone, which the Catholic Church has always observed from the beginning and still observes, is at variance with the institution and command of Christ and is a human invention, anathema sit” (Trent XIV session).
So if I understand this correctly, the council is claiming that Christ started secret confession to a priest and that this has been practiced from the beginning. However, the Catechism of the Catholic Church admits that secret confession to a priest was a new practice introduced in the seventh century.
“During the seventh century Irish missionaries, inspired by the Eastern monastic tradition, took to continental Europe the ‘private’ practice of penance, which does not require public and prolonged completion of penitential works before reconciliation with the Church. From that time on, the sacrament has been performed in secret between penitent and priest. This new practice envisioned the possibility of repetition and so opened the way to a regular frequenting of this sacrament” (paragraph 1447).
Since private and secret confession was introduced seven hundred years after Christ, how can you also accept that it was observed from the beginning? We are forced to believe a historical lie; otherwise you will be accursed! You must believe that the white that you see is black because the hierarchical Church so defines it.if you want to be a faithful Catholic.
This is what has been written to me, is it true that we must believe that this was observed from the beginning? How can I respond to this? Any help is appreciated, I’m trying to learn more about my faith and at the same time, why those who are not Catholic reject so much of what the Catholic Church teaches. From what I have observed so far, it usually boils down to submitting to wrong information (or lies) about the faith, and misinterpretation of scripture, and misrepresentation of what the Catholic Church teaches. Thanks again.
So if I understand this correctly, the council is claiming that Christ started secret confession to a priest and that this has been practiced from the beginning. However, the Catechism of the Catholic Church admits that secret confession to a priest was a new practice introduced in the seventh century.
“During the seventh century Irish missionaries, inspired by the Eastern monastic tradition, took to continental Europe the ‘private’ practice of penance, which does not require public and prolonged completion of penitential works before reconciliation with the Church. From that time on, the sacrament has been performed in secret between penitent and priest. This new practice envisioned the possibility of repetition and so opened the way to a regular frequenting of this sacrament” (paragraph 1447).
Since private and secret confession was introduced seven hundred years after Christ, how can you also accept that it was observed from the beginning? We are forced to believe a historical lie; otherwise you will be accursed! You must believe that the white that you see is black because the hierarchical Church so defines it.if you want to be a faithful Catholic.
This is what has been written to me, is it true that we must believe that this was observed from the beginning? How can I respond to this? Any help is appreciated, I’m trying to learn more about my faith and at the same time, why those who are not Catholic reject so much of what the Catholic Church teaches. From what I have observed so far, it usually boils down to submitting to wrong information (or lies) about the faith, and misinterpretation of scripture, and misrepresentation of what the Catholic Church teaches. Thanks again.