Counseling/Treating Depression/Drugs

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Does seeing a psychiatrist/psychologist for counselling in anyway conflict with teachings in the Catholic church? What about taking medications for such?

God gives us tools…many tools… such as psychiatrist/psychologist counselling, treatments and therapies to use wisely.
Does seeing a psychiatrist/psychologist for counselling in anyway conflict with teachings in the Catholic church? What about taking medications for such?

No and no.
Just wanted to let you know from personal experience that when in the deepest darkest of depression I prayed every day to God to help me out with this. It took me awhile to realize that God did answer my prayers in finding me a helpful, compassionate family doctor who steered me in the right direction to therapy and medication. I have a strong family history of depression and I happen to be one of the lucky ones to have had several episodes of depression especially after the birth of my children. There is hope and if one medication does not work, try another, find a good doc and keep to the medication schedule. The medication does not work right away but give it several weeks and the sunshine starts to shine through. It is a lot of hard work on your part but it does get better. I wish you or whoever is in need of this message good results with therapy. My prayers are with everyone with mental illnesses that they may find peace and love.
Speaking of depression. How do you get someone who you love and is full of anxiety and pretty depressed to seek counsel. My dh is so full of fear, anxiety and pessimism that I don’t believe he can see straight. Everyone else seems to be the problem. His behaviour is causing extreme havoc on our marriage and family life. He is always making excuses for counseling or keeps saying he will go, but I seriously believe he will NEVER go. He considers doctors and medications man-made and he doesn’t trust them. Any suggestions?
Try diet this famous doctor had good results from vitamin b3 and 6 for depression, which a good diet will provide. His book is Dr. Hoffers ABCs of Nutrition for Children.

The website I like is Chastity in SanFranscisco if a person is ready for intense repentance or just wants to understand spiritual roots of depression.

This reply is to jbuttrey. I too tried the alternative therapies diet, exercise, meditative prayer, confession, whatever the church had to offer. I did not believe in medication either. It was after getting much worse and finally in my blackest days I was not eating, sleeping, had no desire to have contact with anyone, thoughts of no one wanting to have contact with me, etc. I finally had no where to turn but medication/therapy. That is when things started to turn around no one should live in mental agony, it is a cross I have to bear on occasion when the depression flares up. If you have not been in a depressed persons shoes it is hard to understand. It is insulting to imply that a person just needs to change their diet, snap out of it etc./and or change their sinful ways and they would not be depressed. Those experiencing depression need a support system especially their family and/or friends along with God. God sends you help but you need to grab the life line.
Does seeing a psychiatrist/psychologist for counselling in anyway conflict with teachings in the Catholic church? What about taking medications for such?

I have tried both. Many people have success with various combination of the two. For the best results, both should be tried to see what is best for you.

My problem is a chemical imbalance in my brain which is only helped by medication, in my opinion. Talk therapy did not help because I never came away with any answers to my problems. Perhaps, I did not have the right psychiatrist/psychologist.

In the event you go the medication route, go to a psychiatrist for the evaluation of the appropriate drug for you. It may take several different tries with different drugs or a combination because everybody’s body reacts differently to medication.

Do not get your medication from your primary care physician. He is not an expert in the area of psychiatry. A psychiatrist is.

I have recently joined the Catholic church for the strength of faith that I need to feel that I am worthy and no matter what, God will still love me. Catholicism has given wonderful direction and hope that I never had before. To a smaller degree, I still need the medication as a safety net. When I feel myself feeling down, the first thing I do is pray for strength. Aside from the benefit of God’s help, it reminds me that I cannot feel sorry for myself and must be the strongest person I can be.
Good luck.
Speaking of depression. How do you get someone who you love and is full of anxiety and pretty depressed to seek counsel. My dh is so full of fear, anxiety and pessimism that I don’t believe he can see straight. Everyone else seems to be the problem. His behaviour is causing extreme havoc on our marriage and family life. He is always making excuses for counseling or keeps saying he will go, but I seriously believe he will NEVER go. He considers doctors and medications man-made and he doesn’t trust them. Any suggestions?
I would try using the Jesus Box and, if you make any kind of ultimatim (spelling?) be sure you have the strength and where-with-all to carry it out. Would you dh take direction from the priest in your parish?
My dh will not even go see the priest, eventhough is very faithful to his Catholic faith. My assumption, which I could be very wrong, is he doesn’t want to hear the truth. He is very much in denial and it is VERY frustrating. Good advice though.
I for a long time would not go on anti depressant medication. I thought there was a stigma attached to this and the side effects also concerned me. I thought that I could treat myself by going to therapy, exercising (when I could), avoid negativity, etc. Recently the anxiety just got so out of hand that I made the decision to finally seek help from a psychiatrist to get me on medication. Today I am on my 13th day of taking Lexapro. The side effects are there, but it has taken a lot of the edge out and I am learning to take deep breaths instead of getting angry or anxious all the time. I do feel better and wished I did take this sooner.
Speaking of depression. How do you get someone who you love and is full of anxiety and pretty depressed to seek counsel. My dh is so full of fear, anxiety and pessimism that I don’t believe he can see straight. Everyone else seems to be the problem. His behaviour is causing extreme havoc on our marriage and family life. He is always making excuses for counseling or keeps saying he will go, but I seriously believe he will NEVER go. He considers doctors and medications man-made and he doesn’t trust them. Any suggestions?
Explain to him that you have made an appointment and he is going to keep it, and that the two of you are going to that appointment.

In other words, use plain English and some form of ultimatum - I am not suggesting divorce; there are plenty of other ultimatums you can make - and then stick to it.
I for a long time would not go on anti depressant medication. I thought there was a stigma attached to this and the side effects also concerned me. I thought that I could treat myself by going to therapy, exercising (when I could), avoid negativity, etc. Recently the anxiety just got so out of hand that I made the decision to finally seek help from a psychiatrist to get me on medication. Today I am on my 13th day of taking Lexapro. The side effects are there, but it has taken a lot of the edge out and I am learning to take deep breaths instead of getting angry or anxious all the time. I do feel better and wished I did take this sooner.
Depending on the drug, the side effects may subside. Either way, you’ll feel better than you did before.

The people who think you should be able to manage depression without help have never been there.
Explain to him that you have made an appointment and he is going to keep it, and that the two of you are going to that appointment.

In other words, use plain English and some form of ultimatum - I am not suggesting divorce; there are plenty of other ultimatums you can make - and then stick to it.
I agree completely. The first trip to the doctor is the hardest. He must continue to go on a regular basis and take any meds that may be prescribed to get any benefit. You can’t go to one doctor’s appointment and know if it’s going to work. Also, it can take as long a 90 days to get the full affect of some anit-depresants.
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