Countering wayward Catholics

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Recently I met a person on a Catholic singles site. We were getting to know each other and about our Faith. I was asked what my stance was about the Pope. I replied that I supported the pope and the bishops in communion with him.

I was given a list of sites with information on her beliefs. These claimed that Pope John Paul was and antipope if not the anti-christ. This person seemed to beieve in papal infalibility but thought it did not apply to him as he was not a real pope. They said that the real Church was all but underground now.

I know these things to be FALSE. (thus I am not posting the links here)

I was not prepared for this kind of discussion and I would like to prepare for these discussions before I am confronted with them again. Any advice or information on books will be appreciated. I’m looking for generic material that covers multipole topics (if possible)

Even better if the book can be purchased at Catholic Answers ( I try to buy through them when I can )
Recently I met a person on a Catholic singles site. We were getting to know each other and about our Faith. I was asked what my stance was about the Pope. I replied that I supported the pope and the bishops in communion with him.

I was given a list of sites with information on her beliefs. These claimed that Pope John Paul was and antipope if not the anti-christ. This person seemed to beieve in papal infalibility but thought it did not apply to him as he was not a real pope. They said that the real Church was all but underground now.

I know these things to be FALSE. (thus I am not posting the links here)

I was not prepared for this kind of discussion and I would like to prepare for these discussions before I am confronted with them again. Any advice or information on books will be appreciated. I’m looking for generic material that covers multipole topics (if possible)

Even better if the book can be purchased at Catholic Answers ( I try to buy through them when I can )
It sounds to me my friend like a member of the SSPX, or a traditionalist catholic… If you go to the catholic education resource center and stick SSPX into the search window you will find out what i’m talking about here… I may be totally off base, but if i’m right, boy do you have your work cut out for you… Peace! 👍
I have a theory about the Pope that may explain some peoples doubt about him. There are a lot of people who critisize the Pope for many things. They acuse him of being the anti-Christ, of failing in the priest sex scandal, of conspiring with Hinhu’s and Muslums and so forth. Here is my theory.

With the recent death of Ronald Regan it was said by many commentators that when he was shot, that injury changed his life, his mental state and his attitude. He became gradually, but noticeably, more withdrawn and unengaged and detached. Tramatic injury and treatment (and Alzheimers) can affect your mind (brain) physically and also mentally. I don’t know the exact medical wording so please bear with me.

It is possible the same thing has happened to the Pope when he was shot. For example, we all saw his wonderful and courageous Pro-life messages in the past, but now he let’s the Bishops waver if they want to about The Eucharist to baby-killer politicians. I think he has been weak in response to the priest sex sandal. I do not mean any disrespect to the Pope whatsoever.

I think the Pope is negatively affected by his gunshot injury, and maybe Parkinson’s, that has involuntarily changed his thinking.
Thanks everyone, I will try to do more research on the subject. All I can do is to learn what I can so that God can use that knowledge if he wishes.

God’s will be done

Allen 👍
Do you people bother to check out facts before you proclaim something?

The SSPX does NOT think the pope is the anti-Christ. The SSPX accepts that the current pope is the valid and legitimate pope. Those who attend SSPX Mass are NOT sedevacantists…you are talking about a completely different group.

Traditionalist does not equal SSPX or sedvanctists. Since those groups reject the authority of Rome they are hardly traditionalist, the primacy of the papacy and obedience to just authority is certainly a tradition. :confused:

It means anti-liberalis to me - counter-revolutionary is another term that is thrown around that means about the same thing.
Sorry, but I disagree & most people here probably would as well. The shooting happened fairly early in his papacy, so how do you explain all of his extraordinary work since then? Since then (as always), the Holy Father has been a model of courage in confronting all the evils of modern society, not to mention carrying out his ministry in the face of injury & illness. Many people confuse his efforts at ecumenism & diplomacy with weakness, and nothing could be further from the truth. The bishops who are not faithful to the magisterium and the priests who actually committed all the sexual abuse are the weaklings, not the Pope.
I have a theory about the Pope that may explain some peoples doubt about him. There are a lot of people who critisize the Pope for many things. They acuse him of being the anti-Christ, of failing in the priest sex scandal, of conspiring with Hinhu’s and Muslums and so forth. Here is my theory.

With the recent death of Ronald Regan it was said by many commentators that when he was shot, that injury changed his life, his mental state and his attitude. He became gradually, but noticeably, more withdrawn and unengaged and detached. Tramatic injury and treatment (and Alzheimers) can affect your mind (brain) physically and also mentally. I don’t know the exact medical wording so please bear with me.

It is possible the same thing has happened to the Pope when he was shot. For example, we all saw his wonderful and courageous Pro-life messages in the past, but now he let’s the Bishops waver if they want to about The Eucharist to baby-killer politicians. I think he has been weak in response to the priest sex sandal. I do not mean any disrespect to the Pope whatsoever.

I think the Pope is negatively affected by his gunshot injury, and maybe Parkinson’s, that has involuntarily changed his thinking.
St Veronica:
Do you people bother to check out facts before you proclaim something?

The SSPX does NOT think the pope is the anti-Christ. The SSPX accepts that the current pope is the valid and legitimate pope. Those who attend SSPX Mass are NOT sedevacantists…you are talking about a completely different group.

i didn’t see anyone proclaiming anything… i saw the speculation (mine included) of what it might be… and i personally have had a member of the SSPX tell me that JPII is exactly that, (the anti-christ)… now if that person is improperly catecized as a SSPX member, i can’t help that… i was guessing and if your read my earlier post you will see the words “sounds to me like” meaning i was unsure… I have also read the article of a traditionalist claiming the same… (unfortunately the location of the article escapes me, i will try to provide the documentation at a later time).
You got to watch yourself in these sites, some are looking for reasons to pounce… I personally apologize for any that I may have offended…sheeze… I will have to be more careful… sorry… :o
space ghost:
i didn’t see anyone proclaiming anything… i saw the speculation (mine included) of what it might be… and i personally have had a member of the SSPX tell me that JPII is exactly that, (the anti-christ)… now if that person is improperly catecized as a SSPX member, i can’t help that… i was guessing and if your read my earlier post you will see the words “sounds to me like” meaning i was unsure… I have also read the article of a traditionalist claiming the same… (unfortunately the location of the article escapes me, i will try to provide the documentation at a later time).
You got to watch yourself in these sites, some are looking for reasons to pounce… I personally apologize for any that I may have offended…sheeze… I will have to be more careful… sorry… :o
Did it ever occur to you to go to the SSPX website and see what the official position is?

There are various groups out there that are ‘Traditional’ you cannot assume they are the same or lump them together.

Yes please, be more careful 🙂

It sounds to me like you were in the process of befriending a sedevacantist. That topic’s not allowed here, so I can’t summarize for you the basic problems with sedevacantism. A recent book you might enjoy reading is Sedevacantism: A False solution to a Real Problem published in 2003 by Angelus Press.

By the way there is really no such thing as a “member” of the SSPX. It is a priestly society, so priests in it are members, one can say. But the faithful attending a Mass said by an SSPX priest are not members of the SSPX.
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