Cradle Catholic or Convert?

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I’m curious to see whether the people on CAF are Cradle Catholic or Converts.
  • Cradle Catholic
  • Convert
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If you are a convert, can you please share your conversion story? I’ve love to hear it! If you don’t want to share, that’s perfectly okay. It’s up to you. Thanks so much!!! 🙂
Convert, but I had some exposure to Catholicism as a young child.
Convert. I have shared my story on CAF before. Tonight I am a little tired. Tomorrow I might return and give a brief run down.
Cradle Catholic.

Then non practicing.

Then revert.

Now struggling, but still practicing. 😦
There are no reverts, nor cradle Catholics. All Catholics are converts!

We are all, whether born in Catholic families, of having come into full Communion with the Catholic Church, or returning to the Catholic Church after an absence, CONVERTS, and continuing (hopefully) the conversion process…because "conversion" is the turning away from sin and turning towards God, not joining the Catholic Church.

This is evident in the liturgical calendar, especially during Lent, which is the longest liturgical season of Conversion the Church celebrates.

When we stop being “converts”, we have missed the point.
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What thread is your conversion story in? Can you please share the link? If you don’t wan to, that’s okay. Thanks! 🙂
Well, I have been here since 2008, so I am sure I have shared it more than once
on many different threads. I don’t have time to share it now. I will try to remember
to come back here.
What the OP means, in the context of this thread, is people who have become Catholics from other religions or denominations, or atheists or agnostics who have become Catholics. Folks who have converted to the Catholic faith who were previously non-Catholics.

BTW, I am cradle.
What thread is your conversion story in? Can you please share the link? If you don’t wan to, that’s okay. Thanks! 🙂
Okay I will give a brief story of my conversion. I was baptized at 2 years old in
the Episcopal Church. I liked the church as a child and I loved my Book of
Common Prayer. My Dad was a non-practicing Catholic and my Mom was a
non-practicing Lutheran when they married. They became Episcopalian to raise
my sister and I in the Episcopal Church. My parents seldom went to church, but
I liked it when we did and I liked Sunday school. My Dad’s sister and her family in
Kansas City were practicing Catholics and we went to Mass with them a few times
when we visited. I think then, as a 9 or 10 year old, I knew the Catholic church
was the true church.

When I was 11, we moved out to the country several miles out of town. After that,
we rarely went to church. I thought of the church and how pretty it was and I
missed it. I missed the church services, the liturgy and Sunday school.
When I was 15, my parents said I had to start attending classes for confirmation.
By that time, I was pretty sure I needed to be Catholic. My Catholic relatives lived
over 4 hours away so I was not able to speak with them about being Catholic or
how to be Catholic. So begrudgingly, I was confirmed in the Episcopal Church at
15. The next 3 years I maybe went to church a couple of times year. At 18, I moved away to college and never set foot inside an Episcopal church until I was
28 and my son was 4 months old. It was not the same. It seemed empty to me.
So I went from 28 to 42 before I set foot back inside the Episcopal church again.
I sporadically attended over the next 4-5 years. Not on a regular basis. The
Catholic church was calling me after that. I began to buy books on Catholicism
and the saints and religious candles. Over the next 14 years, I attended a few
services in the non-denominational services, I studied Judaism for 10 months
and then I finally became Catholic and have remained Catholic for 12 years - since
2008. They hve been very challenging years. Many bad things have happened
in my personal life and in the world. I am not the best Catholic. I love the Mass
and Adoration. I love Mary and the Rosary. I just struggle along.
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