Growing up Catholic in a large family was fun but I am not sure it was easy on my parents.
We prayed the rosary everynight, (as all the rest of the neighborhood was out playing hide and go seek) and there we were just praying for it to be over.
Later in life I learned the value of those rosaries ( each rosary is like a life jacket thrown to one more drowning person)
They also helped me to return to my faith.
We went to early Mass and sat in the first pew every Sunday (yes even on vacation)
When the church got rid of all the statues somehow my mothers large family inherited many of them. So there sat St. Peter, and St. Joseph in the middle of the living room.
A crucifix in every room, and a picture of Mary.
Holy water font by the doors that was refilled often.
To this day I have holy water in my home with two fonts and I was amazed at the football players of all denominations that would bless themselves because they watched my son do it.
Advent candles with the prayers, the Nativity under the tree always learning the true meaning of every holiday. In my home now I also have a stocking for Jesus that is used for sacrifices.
Even down to stations of the cross every week during lent learning to make sacrifices from a young age, for lent and other times of the year.
Grace at every meal.
The love of the saints especially someone like St. Anthony who daily helped someone find shoes, socks boots etc.
Thank you for posting this sometimes to write it all out you finally appreciate the beauty in all that hard work your parents did.
Before my mother died I often thanked her for my faith, but I wish I could have thanked her for each individual thing that I have posted.
May God bless you on your journey.