Creation Ex Nihilo and God's Omnipresence

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kei
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Can anyone offer some insight into the omnipresence of God as it relates to creation ex nihilo?
God spoke, and it was not that the word spoken became creation, nor that He took some part of Himself in creating, but that He spoke, and then something was made where previously there had been nothing. But, how does this fit in with God’s Omnipresence, both then and now? Thank you
Imagine there is no creation, just God. What you should realize is that God is existence. He is not a being in existence. He is the very act of reality. There is nowhere else you can be other than inside God. God is the absolute antithesis of nothing. Thus when God gives some possible thing actuality, he is omnipresent to that being. That being cannot be anywhere else other than inside the act of God’s existence. There is absolutely nothing outside of God. There is nowhere where God is not.
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Let me try and put it another way.

God is the “Act” in which potential things have their being. We cannot “be” anywhere else because there is no where else but God. God’ is omnipresent.
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Then, that begs the question, where is the nothing that God created from?
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