The problem I am having with this thread is that there are so many variables under each question. I added some comments and questions on this under each. Feel free to ignore if it doesn’t add anything to the discussion.
**Define the nature and properties of the creator or creators of the universe in a complete and logically consistent manner. **
In order to appeal to unbelievers, you need to start with the most minimalist assumptions. The only necessary qualities would seem to be awareness (in order to have the ability to actively make choices) and the ability to either create matter or transform it. Then there needs to be a way that this creator interacts with the creation to cause such creation or transformation.
Without knowing what method of interaction the creator has at his disposal, it is very difficult to determine what sort of properties he’d have. If he’s connected to everything at once somehow, his properties are different than if he set things in motion and then stopped creating/transforming. It also depends on how reality is actually set up. If time and causality are existent everywhere, even before the Big Bang or whatever caused our current universe, that creator will not have the attributes of a creator where there exists a “time before time”. In other words, if the creator can act outside of time(whatever that means) or can know all times at once, his motivations and attributes would not be the same as those of a creator who only has access to the past or present.
Also, how much can the creator concentrate on at any given moment? Does he simultaneously know all there is to know, or can he have started a project, set it on auto-pilot, and only sporadically check up on it? An all-knowing being would have different characteristics than one with limited knowledge.
Without knowing what sort of knowledge and power the creator has, it’s hard to speculate on characteristics.
Devise a suitable motivation for the accomplishment of that project, preferably one which does not declare human beings to be the primary focus of the creation process.
The motivation would depend on whether the creator was the only one, or one of several, and what level of control the creator(s) had over the creation. It also depends on what sort of intelligence we are looking at. Can this creator have anything we recognize as emotions? How could that be if he has no biological body? Can we know whether a non-biological form can even have a form of thought we could recognize? If not, can we speculate on what qualities pure intelligence automatically comes with?
Though humans do not necessarily have to be the primary focus, I can’t imagine that a creative lifeform with any intelligence would not be interested in other life forms that grew to self awareness, even if the difference in IQ was astronomical. If I was the only intelligent being in existence, even someone with the IQ of a 4 year old would catch my interest. However,if there are more than one creator, this might not hold true (they’d have eachother for company)
Determine whether or not it is reasonable for such a creator to exist.
Without a full understanding of how our reality actually functions, it seems impossible to determine whether a particular creator exists or not. That “a” creator might exist seems reasonable, but if you are trying to do this scientifically, how can you defend any one particular version without first knowing, at least :
a. whether he is one or several
b. *how *or *if *he still interacts with the observable universe
c. whether he creates, or merely transforms what already exists
In other words, we would need evidence of the creator’s interaction with the observable universe that we could then use to speculate on further properties.