Creepy Question

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We have a prayer -very thorough and powerful- that is supposed to life curses. My quesiton is: how does a person become cursed in the first place?
Frankly, I don’t believe in curses. If they worked most of us would be da**** in hell. People have choices in life and what happens to them is based on the choices they make. Maybe an exception is getting some weird sickness - but everything, even sickness has a cause and effect. This thing with curses sounds like Santaria or Voodoo…I don’t think it has a role in Catholicism.
I guess I really don’t know anything about what you’re asking. Where is this prayer from? Is it some sort of exorcism or something else? I can’t see Catholicism giving creedence to something like witchcraft or black magic- or is that even what you are asking about?:confused:
To ignore the darker powers that are unseeable is dangerous. One can be cursed by witches or the like. This is why it is very dangerous to play around with that stuff as it opens one up to demonic powers. In this era it may seem superstitious to say this stuff but I have seen and I believe.
As I understood it from a Fr. Corapi CD blessings are prayers that are attached to objects. Where the object goes, so goes the prayer.

Satanist curses work in the reverse of blessings. They beseech the powers of evil to do X. If Satan pays attention this work may be done by the hands of demons.

Curses are begotten by people asking evil powers for them. They’re agents are evil spirits.

I’m not exactly sure how a blessing or curse works on a person.

I do know that the power of God is overwhelming. Christ gave the power to cast out demons to his disciples. I know the blessing of salt is an exorcism prayer. To get rid of curses simply go to a priest and ask for an prayer of exorcism over X and tell him any particular details to better combat evil.
Mark 6:6-13:
Then Jesus went around teaching from village to village. Calling the Twelve to him, he sent them out two by two and gave them authority over evil spirits.

These were his instructions: “Take nothing for the journey except a staff—no bread, no bag, no money in your belts. 9Wear sandals but not an extra tunic. Whenever you enter a house, stay there until you leave that town. And if any place will not welcome you or listen to you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave, as a testimony against them.”

They went out and preached that people should repent. They drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them.
As I understood it from a Fr. Corapi CD blessings are prayers that are attached to objects. Where the object goes, so goes the prayer.

Satanist curses work in the reverse of blessings. They beseech the powers of evil to do X. If Satan pays attention this work may be done by the hands of demons.

Curses are begotten by people asking evil powers for them. They’re agents are evil spirits.

I’m not exactly sure how a blessing or curse works on a person.

I do know that the power of God is overwhelming. Christ gave the power to cast out demons to his disciples. I know the blessing of salt is an exorcism prayer. To get rid of curses simply go to a priest and ask for an prayer of exorcism over X and tell him any particular details to better combat evil.
There is a lot of reference in the NT on casting out of demons, evil spirits, etc. 2,000 years ago people with disorders such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, bi-polar illness, etc, were seen as being possessed by demons when in reality their behavior was caused by illness. When Christ cured these people their “demons” went away. We have to be careful what exactly we’re attributiing to demons. Which is why every case of alleged demonic possession is carefully scrutinized by the Church.
We have a prayer -very thorough and powerful- that is supposed to life curses. My quesiton is: how does a person become cursed in the first place?
Vatican exorcist Gabriele Amorth covers this in his first book.

Curses work. That is the main reason why they are sinful. Every ordinary human being has a “baby-toe-size” connection with the world of the occult. One can literally impact the realm of demons by his or her internal negative prayers addressed to that world, by cursing another person by asking that a demon invest and hurt that other person.

The “catch” in the process – and there’s always a catch, right? – is that the person doing the cursing establishes a good, solid connection with the demonic by their evil prayer – they always end up * more* “cursed” than the person who is the object of the curse.

So, if you appeal, by your thoughts and expressions, to the demonic realm to hurt another, the demonic realm will jump energetically into action at your request and attempt to assault the person you are wishing ill upon.

It’s that simple.

Once you foolishly jump into the pot of glue by cursing someone, however, good luck extricating yourself.
There is a lot of reference in the NT on casting out of demons, evil spirits, etc. 2,000 years ago people with disorders such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, bi-polar illness, etc, were seen as being possessed by demons when in reality their behavior was caused by illness. When Christ cured these people their “demons” went away. We have to be careful what exactly we’re attributiing to demons. Which is why every case of alleged demonic possession is carefully scrutinized by the Church.
It is true that many mental disorders were considered forms of demonic possesion back then. But we must be careful not to assume that demonic posession therefore does not exist. A large number of the exorcisms performed by Christ really were exorcisms. For example, we see in one when Christ approaches a demon in someone, he recognizes him, and proclaims, “What do you want with us Christ? We know who you are.” Supernatural knowledge is not a result of a mental disorder…

In his book, “An exorcist tells his story”, Fr. Gabriel Amorth explain the largely overlooked role that curses play in our day to day lives. He discusses, from a theoretical standpoint, how they are imlemented, and the effects they can have. I’ll say one thing: The book definately taught me to say grace before meals.

Peace be with you

Others can ask that evil be done to you and is why we are to pray and ask for protection from evil .Deliver us from all evil.
Curses are real. Evil does exist in the world.
Rock groups ( not all) and drug dealers for example have curses put their products. We have a chioce in buying their products.
If we do we are giving some sort of concent to allow evil to enter into our lives and the more we use their product the more evil we allow to take hold of our lives.(Vices and Vertues) It takes our concent through the choices we make and in our willingness to avoid sin. Satan curses us constantly for being children of God, but this does not give him power over us. Curses are what we allow them to be. So ask you guardian angle to watch over you as well as asking the saints to pray for you and Mary’s maternal protection to be led away from danger. Cling to God and let Him deliver you from evil. Their is a war going on between good and evil and our souls are the prize. Protect yourself with the armer of God
and make the choices that say yes to His will and not to mans.
Lifting curses…that’s easy…being closer to God,

How…daily prayer, weekly mass (at a min) and receiving God’s graces through confession and the Eucharist. 👍

oh yea, pray for one another too.

It is true that many mental disorders were considered forms of demonic possesion back then. But we must be careful not to assume that demonic posession therefore does not exist. A large number of the exorcisms performed by Christ really were exorcisms. For example, we see in one when Christ approaches a demon in someone, he recognizes him, and proclaims, “What do you want with us Christ? We know who you are.” Supernatural knowledge is not a result of a mental disorder…

In his book, “An exorcist tells his story”, Fr. Gabriel Amorth explain the largely overlooked role that curses play in our day to day lives. He discusses, from a theoretical standpoint, how they are imlemented, and the effects they can have. I’ll say one thing: The book definately taught me to say grace before meals.

Any chance we could get Fr. Amorth to lift the curse on the Chicago Cubs? 😃
Any chance we could get Fr. Amorth to lift the curse on the Chicago Cubs? 😃
Hey didn’t I say pray.
Trust me as a Red Sox fan :dancing: , I know what I am taking about. 😃

We have a prayer -very thorough and powerful- that is supposed to life curses. My quesiton is: how does a person become cursed in the first place?
What prayer is this? Can you or somebody else post it?

I don’t believe in curses, there’s really no such thing. (There are bad spirits and demons that can posess people, but that’s a different subject that I won’t explain now!) People usually look at suffering as a “curse” or as “bad”; but things happen for a reason, both good and bad. In the big scheme of life, continual suffering brings us closer to Christ. We just need to bring ourselves to realize that.
I don’t believe in curses, there’s really no such thing. (There are bad spirits and demons that can posess people, but that’s a different subject that I won’t explain now!) People usually look at suffering as a “curse” or as “bad”; but things happen for a reason, both good and bad. In the big scheme of life, continual suffering brings us closer to Christ. We just need to bring ourselves to realize that.
Of course that is not what is meant by a real cures. I have seen too much to deny the existance of such things and I in fact think it a modern arrogance of ourscience era that we deny such malicious spiritual actions.

BTW: One of the strongest prayers against bad things is the Prayer Against Satan and the Rebelious Angels or just a quick prayer to St. Michael just the ejactulation “Blood of Christ cover me.”
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