Croatian RC fanatics and Orthodox Bishop

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This was posted by the “Orthodox Church” youtube channel 6 days ago.
Is this account biased I might have heard something similar mentioned by bible illustrated hands in one of his videos on the RC church but i cannot fully recall if this is the event.

"St. Great-martyr Sava, Orthodox Bishop of Gornji Karlovci. In June 1941, only days after the fall of Yugoslavia, was arrested by the Croatian Roman-catholic fanatics, at the beginning of newly established NAZI occupation, along with 9 of his priests and deacons that worked in the Orthodox Diocese. The bishop was offered to flee to Belgrade, but he refused to leave behind his flock of which the majority was about to be slaughtered. The Croats broke in to the Bishop’s palace and demanded of him to leave “New catholic state of Croatia.” After leaving the Diocese’s palace, the persecutors forbade the arrested bishop to speak to his mother, but he managed to bless her with his tied hands. At the train station the chained bishop had to stand for 7 hours, as being forbidden to sit or lay down. For two months the bishop with his priests was tortured in the stall of the peasant Joseph Tomljenović.
In the middle of month August 1941, persecutors peeled off the skin of Bishop Sava, then they poured salt on his skinless body. Surviving that, bishop was buried, leaving only his head on the surface, which was crushed with iron harrow.
And so it was, in the year of 1941, Orthodox Bishop Sava of Gornji Karlovci, soiled with his blood his local diocese which he refused to leave.
One word: Ustaše, they behaved in ways even the SS found distasteful.
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This is biased video and isn’t made on facts. Actually this person doesn’t know matter or is really mean.
I strongly suggest you to read what Poche posted about blessed cardinal and get book by Esther Gitman. She is objective and credible cource.

First of all, Serbian Orthodox Church has canonised persons who are war crimminals, murderers and even pedophiles. Unfortunately for some of these things I don’t have an english source and this “war” over bl. Aloysius isn’t motivated by truth but only lies. It lasts for decades! Serbian Orthodox Church has never accepted truth in that part and unfortunately isn’t looking for it but only for political power and mess. I hope that thruth will be accepted by them someday.
If not I am happy I can believe that in Judgment Day all works and secrets will be known and I am not scared of truth about bl. Aloysius. Actually I pray every day for his intercession and yes I got answers on my prayers.

The truth is that Ustase were part of ideology which was bad as all ideologies ever existed.
Blessed Aloysius was never part of ustase nor part of any politic stream. He never supported any ideology, his only love was Christ and His Church. He saved many adults and children, serbian, orthodx, jew, croatian… And many other.
He fought against communism which in the end killed him, communists were torturing him and poisoning him for years, and in the end they throw all his organs after death (so poisoning wouldn’t be detected or would be misinterpreted) and made fake autopsy report. One of the main persons in Yugoslav (communistic) intelligece service is today 100 years old man, free and living in center of Zagreb with many benefits. That person is also very responsible for what happened to bl. Aloysius and has never been convicted for any crime.
Unfortunately many communists play main roles in our country even today so it’s easy to understand why is this case with bl. cardinal sabotaged so much.

If you are interested for deeper research about bl. Aloysius and truth on this topic I can send you some sources.
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It’s too bad that BIH cannot separate ethnicity from religion. I used to like his videos even though they are almost always polemical and superficial just for his narrating voice. After that rant I’m done.
If you are interested for deeper research about bl. Aloysius and truth on this topic I can send you some sources.
Can you list the sources that you recommend, particularly about the Jasenovac camp. A Jewish encyclopedia says many were killed there. And what happened in the Church at Glina?
I must admit , im very clueless on everything im reading on this thread.:confused:
Part of the problem is that this person is a Serb who was brought up during the end of the Communist regime. There has been a lot of misinformation spread out by enemies of the Catholic Church. There has also probably been a lot of misinformation given out about the Serbian Orthodox also by people who have an interest in controlling the people by spreading mutual hatred and mistrust.
Archbishop Stepinac was calumniated after his death just like Pope Pius XII.
Many were killed there but numbers are very often manipulated. One of our researchers on victims of Jasenovac (he is an engineer who made special algoritms for names research in this area) has found people added on list as victims of camp who are still alive, you can read and watch it here (turn on translator if use google chrome) Manipulation of Jasenovac
There is 12 000 duplicated names. Some of the victims were killed in Auschwitz or weren’t killed at all. Some were added as Serbs but those were german soldiers actually etc. That’s unbelieveable. Numbers were and are manipulated by communists.
At first Jasenovac was concentration camp by Ustase in WW II.and later in our Homeland war it became place where many were killed too. Sometimes numbers show all victims in both wars together and very often numbers are far above reality.
This is sad place,the same as Auschwitz, Treblinka and all other concentration camps. Truth is that it was place of big crimes against humanity but also there is many manipulations and intentional misinformations.
Here are also some sources in english

One of the best historians in question of communistic crimes is Roman Leljak from Slovenia.
Here is his movie called “Myth about Jasenovac” (it has english subtitles by default)

And here is most truthful answer about massacre in church in Glina:
Glina has also become a mythical term. It served the Greater Serbia ideology to accuse Croats, not only of being genocidal, but of that genocide stemming from their spirituality, from belonging to the Catholic Church. The fact is that crimes took place in and around Glina, but these crimes need to be placed in historical circumstances. Before the Ustasha authorities arrested and then killed Serb Serbs from Glina in May 1941, and in August of the same year members of the Serb population in the vicinity of Glina and Kordun, crimes were committed by Chetnik groups of that ethnicity. Here one can justifiably ask, who started it first ?, about which Jure Krišto writes documented in his book “Conflict of Symbols” (2001).
(continue in next post…)
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In response to the legal provisions passed by the young Independent State of Croatia in order to defend the people and the state, Chetnik riots broke out throughout Croatia, in the vicinity of Bjelovar, in the areas around Knin and Derventa, in Capljina, Mostar, Kiseljak, Srijemska Mitrovica, and all in April 1941. Dozens of Croats, both Catholics and Muslims, were killed in these uprisings. And all these crimes against the Croat and Muslim population were committed before any victims of the Serb minority and before the NDH government was established in the areas in question. Without trying to justify either side that used violence and endangered the lives of innocent people, one should judge each event comprehensively and see what was the cause and what was the consequence. A lot of innocent blood has been shed in the vicinity of Glina, which is a sin crying out into the Heaven, but it can in no way be an excuse for the Greater Serbia policy of abusing this Glina tragedy again and again, ”
claims Dr. Stjepan Razum.

Can I ask you which languages do you speak?
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claims Dr. Stjepan Razum.
What about the church at Glina and the calling of people to the church and then killing them inside the church?
Can I ask you which languages do you speak?
CAF says not to give out too much personal information. I know that Serbian and Croatian are pretty close but not the same. However, I don’t speak either one.
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What about the church at Glina and the calling of people to the church and then killing them inside the church?
I don’t know what you expect me to say except it was crime by Ustashe. Bad and unjustly as every crime.

My apology on personal question, I asked you on languages only because of sources; I was thinking about those in croatian just in case you speak it (or other simmilar slav language), there is a lot good sources.
My apology on personal question
I tried to delete my answer but you can read it by clicking on the orange edit pencil. Everyone understands German and also English and Russian while at the Croatian seaside, so it is no problem communicating while vacationing there in Split or other beach areas.,
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