Crosses for Seventh Day Adventists

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This is an ignorant question, but I can’t find any answers online. I’ve been re-watching old episodes of The Gilmore Girls. The main character, Rory, has a best friend, Lane Kim, a Korean-American growing up in a rigid, Seventh Day Adventist household. I noticed a crucifix - specifically a cross with Christ crucified on it - hanging in her bedroom. I was under the impression that the vast majority of Protestant denominations, including Seventh Day Adventists, use bare crosses. So I’m just curious - Do Seventh Day Adventists use crucifixes, or is the show misrepresenting this part of the faith?
It’s my understanding that SDA would consider a crucifix idolatrous.
We’ve even had past threads saying that SDA avoids even having a plain cross in their churches.
Hollywood is not known for correctly portraying people’s religions though.
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I have a SDA Church a couple of blocks from where I live. I’ll go in there and investigate this question and see if they have a cross.
Thank you for looking into it.

I’m surprised that the show would misrepresent the SDA. Lane’s character is based on the producer’s best friend, who also grew up Korean and SDA. You’d think/hope they could get that detail right.
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