CS Lewis

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Hello, this is my first time here so hello to all. My question is if anyone can recommend any CS Lewis books to read.I heard about him on St.Joseph radio on EWTN. Thanks for any help!
Don’t know what level of reading you are looking for but, The Chronicles of Narnia (seven books in a series) are wonderful! We bought them for our pre-teen son on the recommendation of a friend and my wife & I and both our sons all read them one after the other. I’ll be looking into other CS Lewis titles soon.
I am reasonably sure that “The Screwtape Letters” was written by CS Lewis. It is a thought provoking book about a demon who has been instructed how to tempt an lead to perditiion his assignment. He is told things that painfully point out our human weaknesses. It is brilliant in the way it is written as correspondence between the demon Screwtape and his “boss”.
Yep, that was him. The Snakebite Letters is Peter Kreeft’s tribute to that book. It’s basically the same premise (demonic correspondance), but on more modern problems. I think it is enlightening when the two are read together.

An exhaustive chronological bibliography of boks and articles by and about CS Lewis
-compiled by Dave Armstrong

The Problem of Pain, The Great Divorce, The Abolition of Man, Mere Christianity, and The Four Loves are problably his most famous works of non-fiction. Start with one of those.
Hello, this is my first time here so hello to all. My question is if anyone can recommend any CS Lewis books to read.I heard about him on St.Joseph radio on EWTN. Thanks for any help!
1 The Chronicles of Narnia are great for adults as well as children. They’re a wonderful source of insight into Lewis’s theology once you get to know them
  1. The Great Divorce
  2. Miracles. Contains one of the best arguments against atheism I’ve ever read.
  3. The Screwtape Letters.
  4. Christian Reflections. A collection of essays that contains the best answer to modernist biblical critics I’ve come across.
Pax Christi,
On page 2 there is a thread in progress on C.S. Lewis and the Catholic Church, if you are interested.

Mere Christianity is my vote for a book to start reading by Lewis. Also, of course, Screwtape Letters.
I heartily recommend The Space Trilogy (Out Of The Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength). I just finished reading the first two (the third is next). Amazing!

In Out Of The Silent Planet, our hero travels to a planet that has never experienced The Fall. In Perelandra, our hero travels to a planet where The Fall is nearly at hand as the Devil makes his temptation attempt.

These books got me thinking about Original Sin in ways that I had never contemplated before. Perelandra is the more heavily theological of the two.

One of these days (after I read the third book) I need to start a thread to discuss these, as I am dying to talk about them with other Catholics!
The Pilgrim’s Regress and God in the Dock (essays on theology and ethics) are also very good.

God Bless,

I heartily recommend The Space Trilogy (Out Of The Silent Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength). I just finished reading the first two (the third is next). Amazing!
Definitely some very interesting stuff in those books!

Also “Surprised by Joy” (his spiritual autobiography – helped me return Home), and “Till They Have Faces”, which I believe he considered his best novel.
A lesser-known work of Lewis’ that I would recommend is A Pilgrim’s Regress. Joe
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