You have hit the nail on the head.
The world is surely is a big hot mess.
I pray A LOT. I try to do my best, to hopefully, be a power of example to others. I try to be the best Catholic I can be. I help others.
I live in Latin America 14 years now…Nicaragua/Costa Rica, when I first got here it was like the 1950’s in the states, by that, I mean conservative, in all areas of life… And especially, the R.C. Church ,attendance ,and general respect, and adoration of the Church and the Sacraments ,it was off the charts…practically overnight, it seems, before my eyes it’s almost all gone by the wayside…mind boggling. As bad as the states, but so fast, so fast, some dark power must be behind it. !
I try to wrap my head around what is happening, I’m mostly overwhelmed…My only answer/theory, is that man and all his relativism, Social/Cultural Marxism, consumerism, all the negative “isms”, has really opened the door wide open, to Satan the Great Deceiver, and he is gaining ground in leaps and bounds.
The Church in the end will always prevail.! God is always all powerful and undefeatable!.
But I’m afraid it will get a lot worse before it gets better. All mankind will suffer greatly for the widespread rejection, of God and the Church.
I think after great suffering , there will be a Great Renewal. The pendulum of history always swings back. God and Mother Church will prevail !
We the faithful must be strong and resolute. Be aware of all the deceptions that surround us in all their forms,(As best we can). Support each-other. Support Mother Church.
“In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” - George Orwell.
God Bless Us All.
Pray the Rosary.
Defend the Faith- Fight the Good Fight.