I’ve been considering sewing some masks for myself and my family. I suppose I just need a place to talk it out and gather reactions and beliefs.
I was discussing the global mask shortage with my dental hygienist who is a serious wealth of information. I learn so many random and interesting things from him. He said that in very populous places where masks have become part of the culture, it isn’t seen as something to protect the wearer but a polite gesture of the wearer toward everyone else. It is to protect others not the person in the mask.
I am in a somewhat (but not densely) populous place (Houston, Texas), but masks aren’t really part of our culture.
I’m trying to figure out if the wearing of washable fabric masks (like surgical masks in shape but not disposable) could be alarming or irresponsible.
It could:
Make others think they need the same sort of protection and generally raise alarm.
Make others think we have an infectious disease and should be avoided
It could also:
Just by the feeling of having it on remind you not to touch your face so much when you’re out and about. Many of us do without realizing and my kids do sooooooo much.
You all come from all sorts of places. How would this go over where you live? What are your thoughts.
I was discussing the global mask shortage with my dental hygienist who is a serious wealth of information. I learn so many random and interesting things from him. He said that in very populous places where masks have become part of the culture, it isn’t seen as something to protect the wearer but a polite gesture of the wearer toward everyone else. It is to protect others not the person in the mask.
I am in a somewhat (but not densely) populous place (Houston, Texas), but masks aren’t really part of our culture.
I’m trying to figure out if the wearing of washable fabric masks (like surgical masks in shape but not disposable) could be alarming or irresponsible.
It could:
Make others think they need the same sort of protection and generally raise alarm.
Make others think we have an infectious disease and should be avoided
It could also:
Just by the feeling of having it on remind you not to touch your face so much when you’re out and about. Many of us do without realizing and my kids do sooooooo much.
You all come from all sorts of places. How would this go over where you live? What are your thoughts.
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