As one who grew up catholic in the 60s and just returned to the church after being an evangelical protestant, I am wondering if catechesis for kids and young adults has improved. When I was growing up, my catechism classes were sorely lacking (to put it mildly). My knowledge of catholic theology today is due solely to great sites like catholic.com and my own reading. When I saw protestant Sunday schools (as incorrect as the theology was) I realized the american catholic church had a long way to go when it came to educating kids. Also, when I see the apparantly small numbers of american catholics attending world youth day, I have to wonder if there are reasons other than geographic for this. Are European kids catechised differently (I thought Europe was secularizing at an alarming rate). Anyway, I would love to hear from people who have kids (mine are mostly grown), how it is now, and what can I do to help? thanks