Currently in Crisis

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Hello my brothers and sisters in Christ I need help advice and prayers. My husband hit me very hard on my head yesterday and I have told him i was calling the police . I did but couldn’t get through. He then has warned me against my action and how it would only hurt my family further by causing him to be arrested and loose his job thus our financial support. I do work can afford a rent for myself but have terrible credit and not sure if i can really get into a home on my own. I live out if state from family and have no friends that could or would offer me assistance What can you advise?
I don’t know if you have children or or not, but you need to be safe. Would it be possible to go stay with family until you find a new job and place to stay? No one should put their hands on a spouse.
@ irishmom2 Yes i have children college age living at home and not financially independent and 1 in high school. My parents live in a senior community that wouldn’t allow me to live. I do not feel unsafe RN but agree that it is not ok for ny spouse to have struck me in anger. Looking for my next steps and weather or not having hin arrested would be the best plan of action. Since police were to busy to help me when I needed it i planned to walk in and file the report in the morning.
Please protect yourself and your children from him. File a report, talk to your Priest and get some legal advice about getting a home by yourself.

I’m so sorry. Take care of yourself.
Worry about finances is one way abusers keep victims there. This is a no brainer. The police should be involved immediately! How was 911 busy? And second you should engage social services who will direct you with a safe place to stay.
Also, you should not post anymore until you are out of the house and safe. If an abuser finds something like this on your computer or phone then it could be trouble.

Please, reach out to the experts. They have helped many people escape, get on their feet and live wonderful lives after abuse.
Also, you should not post anymore until you are out of the house and safe. If an abuser finds something like this on your computer or phone then it could be trouble.
". If you are afraid your internet usage might be monitored, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−7233 or TTY 1−800−787−3224. "
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I am not in that kind of controlled situation. He knows i called told my mother everything, he knows that I called 311 not 911 i was not injured and did not need to go to the ER l. He slapped me across my head with a water bottle. I called the DM violence hotline for over an hour without response. I used there online chat also still no answer. I called 311 with no answer. He left he knows he is wrong he says we can split everything down the middle. I told him i felt it still needs to be reported. I came across your site and was hoping for some advice on the report and also prayers. You are really only ones who answered but honestly i am already taking all these steps.
Good. Make sure you follow through. 911 was the appropriate number to call. Not 311. 911 and police would have responded. Call 911 next time. Always… it could save your life.
You should never tolerate physical violence, towards yourself or your children. There are women’s shelters in almost all areas. The police will know about them. So should your priest. Please, get help as soon as possible. Don’t speak to your husband until you have a safe place to go.
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