Cute Prayers?

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I am normally not much of one for cute type prayers but I did see a good one today. It goes, “Lord help me to be the person my dog thinks I am”. Dogs don’t seem to notice our faults, they just give unconditional love. If God helps me become the person my dog thinks I am I will be a better person. Any thoughts on this type of prayer?
My daughter learned this in preschool:

A,B,C,D,E,F,G… thank you God for feeding Me!
i think they’re memorable and touching. just keep in mind that there might be contentious and cynical people ‘reading’ (when you’re putting it on your car or sleeve), so we need to be careful not to ‘cast our pearls before swine.’ in other words, watch who you say the ‘cute prayers’ around. 🙂
Dearest Lance

Though that is as you say a ‘cute’ prayer which did make me smile, it is thought provoking too, because as you say animals take us as they find us and love us no matter what, now there is alot to learn from that to my mind. Children are the same, they love like that, they see people as good and love unconditionally. Now it is wise not to leave yourself open to someone who DOES wish to do you harm, but on the whole and for the largest part, in this one lined prayer is a wealth of wisdom, in that we should all love in this way each other with a very simple and open heart, because this sort of love breeds love, this is the love Christ desires, love given freely for no gain for the self, but for all humanity and for God our Father. I don’t know any cute prayers, but just for the smile if anyone knows any, I’d like to read them. As they say laughter is the music of the soul. God Bless you all and much love.
Please pray a cute prayer for me. I’m lector today and nervous.

I am normally not much of one for cute type prayers but I did see a good one today. It goes, “Lord help me to be the person my dog thinks I am”. Dogs don’t seem to notice our faults, they just give unconditional love. If God helps me become the person my dog thinks I am I will be a better person. Any thoughts on this type of prayer?
Dear Lance,

In general I am not amused by “cute” prayers, especially if they rhyme, but I have learned to say them with my children without letting on that I don’t fully support them. One we say, “Jesus makes me new again” really tests my anal-retentive nature because not only does it rhyme, it switches suddently from third person (about Jesus) to second person (to Jesus).
Whew.  OK, rant's over.

I like your prayer, and although it is slightly "cute" I also consider it fairly profound as Teresa9 did.
Several years ago I learned that our labrador, and now our golden retriever, show us an unconditional loving attitude that we should have for our Master. Even when we scold the dog, it wants to do nothing but please us. I figured that’s why dog is man’s best friend, because the dog treats a man like a king. Wouldn’t we like to be considered the “Lord’s best friend?”
Dearest Lance

Though that is as you say a ‘cute’ prayer which did make me smile, it is thought provoking too, because as you say animals take us as they find us and love us no matter what, now there is alot to learn from that to my mind. Children are the same, they love like that, they see people as good and love unconditionally. Now it is wise not to leave yourself open to someone who DOES wish to do you harm, but on the whole and for the largest part, in this one lined prayer is a wealth of wisdom, in that we should all love in this way each other with a very simple and open heart, because this sort of love breeds love, this is the love Christ desires, love given freely for no gain for the self, but for all humanity and for God our Father. I don’t know any cute prayers, but just for the smile if anyone knows any, I’d like to read them. As they say laughter is the music of the soul. God Bless you all and much love.
Thanks, this is pretty much what I got out of it. I hope someday to be 1/2 the man Smokey thinks I am. Ignore him, leave him alone all day, forget to give him water for a hour, wake him at 3 A.M. and he still loves me and does not hold it against me.
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