Daily mass - twice?

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Can one go to daily mass and receive communion twice every day?

Or is only one time possible? Thank you!
You can receive twice during the weekends which I have done many times. As for Daily Mass, as long as you are doing it in a reverential and non-scrupulous way, then that should be fine. But going twice a day is going to be hard to not be scrupulous because it is a temptation
You can receive communion twice in a day as long as the second time is at Mass.

Do you often attend Mass twice in a day?
You don’t want to feel if you don’t go to mass twice a day then your sins aren’t forgiven or you are sinning or something. Nobody is obligated to go to daily mass. It’s a great thing to do but that temptation can come
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I doubt there is a spiritual director anywhere who would recommend such.
I typically end up going to 2 Masses in one day when I need 2 Communions for plenary indulgences, for instance I missed Mass the day before so I’m short 1 Communion, or else when there’s 2 special event Masses in one day. Like, recently I went to the Mass for blessing St. Katherine Drexel’s new tomb, and then that evening was another Mass for the opening of 40 Hours Devotion at my parish, so I ended up going to 2 Masses.
From the Code of Canon Law:

Canon 917 One who has received the blessed Eucharist may receive it again on the same day only within a eucharistic celebration in which that person participates, without prejudice to the provision of canon 921 §2.

Canon 921
Christ’s faithful who are in danger of death, from whatever cause, are to be strengthened by holy communion as Viaticum.
§2 Even if they have already received holy communion that same day, it is nevertheless strongly suggested that in danger of death they should communicate again.
The second time has to be at a Mass or as Todd states
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