Daily Miracles

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So I was thinking about how much today’s world causes us to question and challenge our faith…not that this is necessarily a bad thing, but it can be very trying…sometimes it’s hard to see or find God all the time, even though we know He’s always there. I’ve found that I have to constantly remind myself of places and times in my day where God has been there. For instance, my sister drove my car once and left me on fumes, which I didn’t realize until I was going uphill on a 55 mph highway and my gas pedal was failing…I was scared so badly that I was crying and shaking, and the only thing I could do was pray the rosary over and over and over again…the nearest gas station was 30 minutes away, but somehow I was able to coast my car to it. I’m owing that one to God.
So here’s my challenge. Let’s make this thread a place where people can share their own daily miracles, and a place where people can come to read them and see how God has been there for themselves and others 100% of the time. Sometimes the best cure for missing God is just hearing stories about how great He is…what are some of your recent daily miracles?

In Him,
I don’t know about recent, but one of my most memorable miracles was when my ex left me I discovered the remote control. I know it sounds silly but my ex always had the power of the remote. The day after he left I tried “channel surfing” and found EWTN’s Life on the Rock. Funny thing was the music of the theme song just called to me…and my son who was in the other room. It ended up to be a show we watched together and opened up the most wonderful communicative relationship I could ever ask for. Even though he was younger than the target audience, we ended up talking about our faith, chastity, etc. He is now 18 and recently confided to me that he is still a virgin and is determined to stay that way until he is married. His girlfriend and he are at the prom right now…and I am not worried…I say that is a miracle.
just came home from our monthly Oblate meeting, an older couple was there who has been planning to join, but now have an imperative reason. Husband was diagnosed 3 weeks ago after 2 CAT scans 3 MRIs 8 doctors in two medical centers with 2 brain tumors requiring immediate surgery. Wife asked everyone she could, including Benedictines and Oblates to pray, as well as all the parish groups that participate in perpetual adoration, which this couple has been doing for 5 years. Another MRI the morning of surgery confirmed the tumors, but today the husband just has a bandage on his head where the incision is healing - walking, talking – surgeon found absolutely no tumor or evidence. Repeat studys show no cancer anywhere in the body, although original docs said it was liver cancer that had spread to the brain. Liver is clear. Now that is a miracle.
There was a time when I wanted to play a cardgame called Magic: The Gathering (I’m a super-nerd, just stick with it:P). It’s a trading card game, and I was looking up the various cards. One of them destroyed all the cards in play, and was called “Wrath of God.” Singular, monothesitic. I started to wonder if it was alright to play this game. I prayed for a sign a few nights, and then I had a dream. I was walking to meet a friend and walk to school, like usual. He came up and told me he thinks if we ever find this card, that we will just burn it and otherwise, enjoy the game. Well, I thought about it all morning. I walked to school as usual and met my friend. Something about him seemed familiar; he was wearing the same clothes as in my dream. He then told me exactly what he said in my dream, and I took this as a sign.

Another time, I was in Eucharistic Adoration. I remember feeling that it was so hot in there (probably because of all the people) and wishing I could cool off. I then felt some sort of cool, refreshing blowing on my neck and turned around and no one was there. I don’t remember getting warm after that.

I remember as well when I started reading the Bible every night, the first night I was lieign down and I felt a calming, warm presence. It felt like an angel had come down and wrapped their arm around me or something.

Anytime I ever doubt my faith I just think back to those times o:).
Small miracle department: Today before Mass I said an extra prayer for my daughter who recently moved away. It is a 5 hour drive to her new home. I asked God that she stay in touch with us, she called tonight and told us she would be in town tomorrow for a visit! Praise be to God!
I did not realize it at the time but I am convinced of this miracle.

I was a student pilot, flying solo and practicing stalls. One stall turned into a spin from which I could not recover. I clearly recall saying “Oh God, oh God”. As those words passed my mouth, somehow, without knowing the technique, I recovered from that spin only a few hundred feet above the Everglades.

Yes, there are miracles!
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