Daily readings by email?

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Does anyone know of an online service that sends you the daily readings by email? Or if not, is there a website that has them?

My church has a subscription to the preparingforsunday.com online service, which is absolutely great. My wife and I usually read all the readings and commentary on them before Sunday mass, which is a nice way to get into the mindset of the liturgy of the word before setting foot in the church. If anyone knows of anything like that on a daily basis, it would be much appreciated!

I read the readings and reflection daily at a web site for “The Word Among Us”. I recieved a copy of the publication while in RCIA last lent, and enjoyed it very much.

WAU has readings from the NAB version, and the reflections are quite thought provoking.

Use the link below.


God Bless,

John K.
You can get the daily and Sunday readings plus the *Navarre Bible * Commentary sent to you by e-mail everyday by using the link below:
I would second the Navarre Bible daily readings. I too receive it, and it is such a blessing every morning!

God bless
www.catholic-forum.com has a “Daily e-pistle” which has a link to the USCCB’s daliy readings page, as well as lives of Saints for whatever particular feast day it is. The admin of the service has been working out some bugs the last few months, so i got like fourteen e-pistles that had backed up on one day, but it has some nice prayers and intentions in it.

Veni Sancte Spiritus
Edward, can you post a copy/paste of an example daily e-pistle? I went to the link, but could not find an example…

You can get the daily and Sunday readings plus the *Navarre Bible *Commentary sent to you by e-mail everyday by using the link below:
Thanks for posting that link to the Google group, I just signed up.
Here’s what the Daily E-pistle contains

This is an older issue, again because their server gets backed up sometimes.
The Daily E-Pistle
Friday June 3, 2005
Ordinary Time
Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Dt 7:6-11
Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8, 10
1 Jn 4:7-16
Mt 11:25-30
Hours: Seasonal prop
The Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is celebrated on the
Friday after the feast of Corpus Christi. This feast has been
celebrated by the Church since its earliest times. The devotion to the
Sacred Heart that modern Catholics are familiar with finds its roots in
the seventeenth century, where St. John Eudes and St. Margaret
Mary Alacoque encouraged and spread the devotion.
This day calls us to special devotion and worship of Jesus. Our
worship is directed to his heart of flesh, united to his divinity, as
symbol of his love for us in dying for our redemption. This worship is
not directed specifically to the physical heart of Jesus from when he
lived on Earth, but to his whole being, the heart signifying the
essence of his being and his love for us.
This worship of Jesus directs our attention to his love for us, and his
willingness to be sacrificed for our sins. It calls us to prayer and
encourages us to make up for the times when we, or others, have
taken Jesus’ love for granted.
O Sacred Heart of Jesus! I fly to Thee, I unite myself with Thee, I
enclose myself to Thee! Receive this, my call for help, O my Saviour,
as a sign of my horror of all within me contrary to Thy Holy Love. Let
me rather die a thousand times than consent! Be Thou my Strength,
O God: defend me, protect me. I am thine, and desire forever to be
Thine! -St. Margaret Mary Alocoque
545 Death of St. Clotilda
618 Death of St. Kevin
During most of the Liturgical Year, the first Friday of each month is
traditionally dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This devotion
consists of receiving Holy Communion on the first Friday of nine
consecutive months in honor of the Sacred Heart for and in reparation
for Sin. This devotion has its roots in the late seventeenth century
in the revelations of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Please pray for all couples preparing for marriage.
I took out the sponsor links and stuff like that. All in all, this is a fairly nice way to not only reflect on the readings, but to be exposed to the lives of the saints.

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