Daily Spiritual Plan for Discernment

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I have been reading through the book To Save a Thousand Souls to try and discern whether or not I have a vocation to the priesthood. I have not yet contacted my vocations director yet or made contact with a spiritual director.

In the book, it says to have a daily plan of spiritual exercises to help discern like it says at least 30 minutes of silent prayer daily and daily rosary, bible study, &c.,

I was wondering for other people who are discerning or who have discerned, what spiritual practices do you add to your discernment process daily? Or what is your daily spiritual exercises?

I pray the Liturgy of the Hours and a rosary daily. Any thoughts on what else I should try and add to my daily prayer?


Interior silence.

The Spiritual Directory of St Francis de

The Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola.

I know this isn’t a daily thing, but I just wanted to comment that a weekly Adoration Hour, if possible, would be very beneficial.

I have been reading through the book To Save a Thousand Souls to try and discern whether or not I have a vocation to the priesthood. I have not yet contacted my vocations director yet or made contact with a spiritual director.

In the book, it says to have a daily plan of spiritual exercises to help discern like it says at least 30 minutes of silent prayer daily and daily rosary, bible study, &c.,

I was wondering for other people who are discerning or who have discerned, what spiritual practices do you add to your discernment process daily? Or what is your daily spiritual exercises?

I pray the Liturgy of the Hours and a rosary daily. Any thoughts on what else I should try and add to my daily prayer?


I believe you should add a daily examination of conscience, along with a daily practical resolution to overcome a sin or grow in a particular virtue. This will require meditation, but you could do it on the Rosary you are saying, or add a few more minutes of mental prayer to accomplish it.

In addition to that I would recommend following what this priest talks about for discernment and prayer in his homiliy Making Decisions and Choices according to the Will of God

That’s an awesome book. I remember reading it, a few years ago. With one chapter I would think, “Wow! I am totally called to the priesthood!” Into the next chapter I would grumble, “Oh no! I could never get into seminary!” 😃

As to your question, my two cents:
  • daily rosary and Bible, absolutely. Should be standard for all Catholics if you ask me.
  • frequent adoration or at least half hour of prayer before the tabernacle.
  • Get into ministry opportunities! (in other words, don’t discern in your room- get out, engage and volunteer)
May God richly bless you as you seek his will!

I have been reading through the book To Save a Thousand Souls to try and discern whether or not I have a vocation to the priesthood. I have not yet contacted my vocations director yet or made contact with a spiritual director.

In the book, it says to have a daily plan of spiritual exercises to help discern like it says at least 30 minutes of silent prayer daily and daily rosary, bible study, &c.,

I was wondering for other people who are discerning or who have discerned, what spiritual practices do you add to your discernment process daily? Or what is your daily spiritual exercises?

I pray the Liturgy of the Hours and a rosary daily. Any thoughts on what else I should try and add to my daily prayer?


That is such a wonderful book! I unfortunately gave away my copy a while back but I’ve been trying to become more active in the faith and discern my calling so I’m going to hopefully read that again and contact my vocations director as well. God bless you on your discernment! Pray for mine as well!
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