Daily Witness

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I’m a kind person and I pray every morning and night, but I feel like I could be doing a bit more in my daily life to be a witness to the Gospel. What are some ways I can bring Christ to others in my daily life?
I think the seven spirtual works of mercy are perfect for this sort of thing.

Admonish the sinner
Instruct the ignorant
Counsel the doubtful
Comfort the sorrowful
Bear wrongs patiently
Forgive all injuries
Pray for the living and the dead

If you follow them (especialy the first four) you’ll find yourself in the middle of all sorts of interesting discussions, or at least I do. 👍
Answer the Universal Call to Holiness.

Pray the Liturgy of the Hours
Daily Mass
Frequent Confession
Pray the rosary (I prefer in private or with other Catholics) that means meditate on the mysteries, not just say the prayers but say them from the heart.
Seek example of Saints. St. Francis, “preach the gospel always and when necessary use words”.
Study Scripture & memorize some scripture but understand in context of Church teaching (CCC). St. Jerome, “to not know scripture is to not know Christ”.
Read the early church fathers (some in the Divine Office)
read the didache - Chapter 2 see what it says about abortion.

Little things like that solidify the faith in oneself. But most of all be charitable even to those that hurt you.

“faith, hope and love…but the greatest of these is Love”.
You probably won’t believe this but I’m NOT the most intelligent catholic in the world. I’m a simple country boy and I don’t particularly like people that talk to much. Yet, somehow I have managed a respectable witness. Did I mention my personality isn’t very good and that I prefer simple theology over biblical trivia?

WALK what you TALK.

An action or behavior says more to those around you than a million arguments. And the fact is no matter what you say- if you are not doing it- Then you will be percieved as a lier,and all your arguments lies. That is a heavy burden for us all who are called to represent Christ.
It looks like you would like some hands on work to do. I like what has been posted so far, but how about you check out the post in this forum about helping the homeless? I bet that if your parish has no ministry doing this, they would like one. If they do, I bet they could use your help!

The poor you will always have with you.
Smile at everybody
Tell everybody you meet Good Morning, Afternoon, etc
Ask people how they are doing and care about the answer you get
Be nice to the cashier even if the is the unfriendliest person you ever met
Tell everybody God Bless You
When you greet people show them that you are glad to meet up with them.

Works for me. God Bless.
Try adding 1 hour of Eucharistic adoration per week to your life. You will benefit much and be guided.
Deacon Ed B
thanks very much for sharing! i really appreciate it ! stay blessed
I’m a kind person and I pray every morning and night, but I feel like I could be doing a bit more in my daily life to be a witness to the Gospel. What are some ways I can bring Christ to others in my daily life?
Remember what Saint Francis of Assisi said, “It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching.” One of the biggest things we can all do is live our lives as an example of Jesus Christ. Make everything, even every breath, an offering to God. Actions speak louder than words. People will forget what we say, but they will remember what we do.

Stillkickin 👍
If you really want to do more, are you in a position where you can consider a committed spiritual life to a religious vocation.
Deacon Ed B
My prayers are with you for discernment.
Deacon Ed B
Thanks. It seems an eternal toss up between the priesthood, marrdied life, or (of all things) a Byzantine Deacon…🤷 I don’t choose the calling, I just respond 👍
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