Anyone watch Daredevil season 3 on Netflix? I loved it! Many of the seasons were inside of a church.
Most likely season 1. So far, season 1 was the most gruesome. Season 3 is tame compared to season 1I don’t know which season I watched but this version of Daredevil is too gruesome, too violent. I used to read the comics but that was long ago.
yeah, the sex scenes in Luke Cage and Jessica Jones were not really necessary.Luke Cage? I still can’t get over over the camera giving the viewer a lengthy scene of him having sex with a woman shot from the side, back about 10 feet. NOT necessary. Not pertinent. He has a zero relationship with this woman. She comes to see him once and he hears her talk but does he care? He got the sex based on nothing but her looks.
I don’t think they will… from what I read, Netflix owns or shares the rights to the actual shows. And if Disney puts it on their service, I seriously doubt they will be as dark.I’m assuming all the netflix marvel series are on their last run. Hopefully they continue them on Disney’s streaming service. I’m just happy there will be a second season of punisher.
Of course… they want to continue to normalize fornication and homosexual acts (the lesbian scenes in Jessica Jones). In Jessica Jones season 1, they even had Trish Walker (aka Hellcat) preforming oral sex. It just was not necessary.But they were put in there for a purpose. Not a good purpose.