Fascinating article.
My “hat goes off” to the incredible hardworking men working in the mines.There is not much more of a brutal job then this and under such harsh conditions.
I was under the impression that crystal gemstone mining’s primary customer was the Jewellery trade and I thought that New Age stuff was becoming a bit less popular but it appears that I’m wrong.
I am an occasional hobby Jeweller and the whole gemstone market is unregulated and full of false claims.
Middle men will outright lie and state that gemstones are fair trade and no exploitation etc as a marketing tool to get customers and it’s impossible to know if this is really the case or not.
These poor men are working for peanuts.
Just to offer some price comparison, Australian miners sell their very poor grade Opal in rough form for approximately $400-500 per kilo and the most stunning grade of “rough” can even fetch a price of approximately $10,000 (1 piece approx 5 cm long).
Naturally, Rose Quartz do not have the same market value as Australian Opal,but no man can work for such low money.
What a world we live in-wealthy self absorbed people buying bs crystal infused water and people in poverty risking lives mining it for next to nothing…
Is there anything that can be done though as boycotting won’t help the miners but how can their wages and conditions be increased when there is no transparency?