Darwin: "surgeon may harden himself...for...he is acting for the good of his patient"

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_ _ The aid which we feel impelled to give to the helpless is
_ _ mainly an incidental result of the instinct of sympathy,
_ _ which was originally acquired as part of the social
_ _ instincts, but subsequently rendered, in the manner
_ _ previously indicated, more tender and more widely
_ _ diffused. Nor could we check our sympathy, even at the
_ _ urging of hard reason, without deterioration in the noblest
_ _ part of our nature. The surgeon may harden himself
_ _ whilst performing an operation, for he knows that he is
_ _ acting for the good of his patient; but if we were

_ _ intentionally to neglect the weak and helpless, it could
_ _ only be for a contingent benefit, with an overwhelming
_ _ present evil. We must therefore bear the undoubtedly
_ _ bad effects of the weak surviving and propagating their
_ _ kind; but there appears to be at least one check in steady
_ _ action, namely that the weaker and inferior members of
_ _ society do not marry so freely as the sound; and this
_ _ check might be indefinitely increased by the weak in body
_ _ or mind refraining from marriage, though this is more to
_ _ be hoped for than expected.

_ _ In every country in which a large standing army is kept
_ _ up, the finest young men are taken by the conscription or
_ _ are enlisted. They are thus exposed to early death during
_ _ war, are often tempted into vice, and are prevented from
_ _ marrying during the prime of life. On the other hand the
_ _ shorter and feebler men, with poor constitutions, are left
_ _ at home, and consequently have a much better chance of
_ _ marrying and propagating their kind.*
_ _ * Prof. H. Fick (“Einfluss der Naturwissenschaft auf das
_ _ Recht,” June, 1872) has some good remarks on this
_ _ head, and on other such points.

I disagree with this Darwin:
_ _ We must therefore bear the undoubtedly
_ _ bad effects of the weak surviving and propagating their
_ _ kind…
In my view, “feebler men, with poor constitutions” should be prevented from “marrying and propagating their kind.”

Darwin also says:
_ _ Nor could we check our sympathy, even at the
_ _ urging of hard reason, without deterioration in the noblest
_ _ part of our nature.
Now, I think we can “check our sympathy… at the urging of hard reason”-- and the colder, the harder the “hard reason,” the better.

Here’s how we can “check our sympathy… at the urging of hard reason”: as Darwin observes,
_ _ The surgeon may harden himself
_ _ whilst performing an operation, for he knows that he is
_ _ acting for the good of his patient…

If a doctor knows that he is “acting for the good of his patient,” he can steel himself for bloody action, be that:
removal of a cancerous tumor,
amputation of a gangrenous limb,
killing of an unwanted pre-born human life via abortion,
killing of racially-unfit human life, or
killing of mentally-disabled or physically-disabled or overly-elderly human life.

In a similar manner, if I know that I am “acting for the good of” a “patient,” be that 1 person or a large group of people-- perhaps a nation-- I can steel/ “harden” myself for bloody action.
Reality vs. worldview philosophy of materialism/ atheism
On the Origin of Life

1868 Haeckel, 2003 Dawkins, 1997 George Williams, 1995 Dennett: Darwinist atheists/ materialists downgrading the value of human life

Haeckel on killing the disabled

Kill/ death to [Darwin]“imbecile, maimed, and other useless members of society”

Darwin on selection of Spartan children

[Darwin]“only be for a contingent benefit, with an overwhelming present evil” About “evil”:
1916/ 1922 Nordau; infanticide, slavery, and genocide

threatened and actual use of force by atheism-adherents

the secular religion of atheism has a bloody history

Darwin: “genius… tends to be inherited… insanity and deteriorated mental powers… run in families”

Haeckel and Buchner and a Darwinian a-moral climate

Terri Schindler Schiavo

1979 Schaeffer & Koop on the a-moral implications of atheism

Hitler, cited in
Lemkin, Raphael. 1944. Axis Rule in Occupied Europe, as cited in
Black, Edwin. 2003. War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s
Campaign to Create a Master Race
(NY: Four Walls Eight Windows),
550pp., 403.
_ _ Nature is cruel, therefore we, too,
_ _ may be cruel…

Lifton, Robert Jay. 1986. The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing
and the Psychology of Genocide
(NY: Basic Books, Inc.,
Publishers), 561pp. On 270:
_ _ Inmates suffered from hunger, nonetheless, and
_ _ from the constant uncertainty about “What will it
_ _ be this time?” For they had absorbed the
_ _ Auschwitz principle that anything is permitted.

1979 Schaeffer & Koop on the a-moral implications of atheism

[Darwin]"* Prof. H. Fick (‘Einfluss der Naturwissenschaft auf das Recht,’ June, 1872) has some good remarks on this head, and on other such points."
Heinrich Fick’s views are discussed in
Weikart, Richard. 2004. From Darwin to Hitler:
Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany

(USA: Palgrave Macmillan), 312pp., 176, with its note 44 on page 269.
July 1947 indictment by Allies of SS Race and Settlement
Office leaders. Cited in
Black, Edwin. 2003. War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s
Campaign to Create a Master Race
(NY: Four Walls Eight Windows),
550pp., 405.
_ _ Kidnapping the children of foreign nationals in order to
_ _ select for Germanization those who were considered of
_ _ ‘racial value.’… Encouraging and compelling abortions
_ _ on Eastern workers… Preventing marriages and
_ _ hampering reproduction of enemy nationals.

the atheism-adherent Hitler’s actions are quite understandable

an exercise: parallels between 1871 Darwin & 1924/5 Hitler?
4 more Hitler-Darwin parallels

Hitler’s actions make sense given his atheism and eugenic, social Darwinist vision

Multi-Pronged Role of Darwinian Thought in Shoah’s Arrival

Reality vs. worldview philosophy of materialism/ atheism
On the Origin of Life
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