Dating an atheist

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What’s the general opinion on dating an atheist?

I’m always sceptical that these self proclaimed atheists aren’t actually atheists… How can we be so sure about anything? -especially when we’re young. So dating a young guy who is still unsure about what he believes, unfortunetly leaning towards no God, however! An intelligent, funny, interesting person who is worthy of getting to know!

Any thoughts?
What’s the general opinion on dating an atheist?

I’m always sceptical that these self proclaimed atheists aren’t actually atheists… How can we be so sure about anything? -especially when we’re young. So dating a young guy who is still unsure about what he believes, unfortunetly leaning towards no God, however! An intelligent, funny, interesting person who is worthy of getting to know!

Any thoughts?
It seems ok - especially when you are young - but i’d strongly advise against it. I don’t think it shows good judgement to deny the presence of God (even if you don’t really mean it). We have been given all we need to recognize His majesty - to deny Him at any stage is to allow yourself to make your own rules - this does not bode well for relationships, potentially leading to marriage, that require large degrees of self-sacrifice. The sacrifice may be evident for a while at the beginning but it may not last.

Could a guy convert? Sure. But no guarantees. With all the non-atheists out there, I don’t think it’s worth the chance. Looking back, I think the most important characteristic of a potential mate is their faith in God. It is the only thing that will be sustaining - funny, interesting, and intelligent are good attributes but they will not sustain through the emergencies of life that everyone will ultimately experience. This is why we marry for better or for worse.
Well it just depends why you are dating the person. You should really only date someone you would like to marry. You should only marry someone you want to have kids with. so would you want your kids to have an athiestic parent? potentially alot of problems their.
So now you are dating an atheist, huh? I can see one advantage in that.

Since he does not belive that God exists, then he has to believe that Satan nor Hell does not exist. Right?

So in an Emergency situation he will be calm…why? Because nothing will scare the hell out of him. Ha, Ha, Ha.
What’s the general opinion on dating an atheist?

I’m always sceptical that these self proclaimed atheists aren’t actually atheists… How can we be so sure about anything? -especially when we’re young. So dating a young guy who is still unsure about what he believes, unfortunetly leaning towards no God, however! An intelligent, funny, interesting person who is worthy of getting to know!

Any thoughts?
He’s not an atheist claiming that there is no such “thing” as God. He’s an agnostic, who is someone who is “unsure about what he believes.”

He could be leaning towards no God, like you say.

That is ONLY “leaning” – not so certain sure – that there’s no God.

I’d say… go ahead and date him. Keep your faith. Live your faith. Don’t be afraid to speak up for your faith if he brings it up.

I don’t think that people should not date anyone they won’t want to marry. Dating is finding out WHETHER you want to continue to get to know them, in case you might want to get married in your life at any point in time.

I’d just say don’t get engaged to an atheist.

Hope this helps to answer your question.

P.S. Pray for him to be open to receiving the gift of faith. Faith, after all, is a gift from God.

I like this quote from St. Augustine – for you to keep in mind:
You have made us for Yourself, O God, 
and our hearts are restless until they rest in You."
~~St. Augustine of Hippo 

We believe also in the holy Church, that is, the Catholic Church.
--St. Augustine (A.D. 393) 

And especially this one from St. Anselm:

I do not understand so that I may believe; 
I believe so that I may understand.
- St Anselm
As the father of an agnostic, my advice is do not walk away but run from this relationship.
I sadly dated an agnostic for a period of time. He was a funny, intelligent, kind and curious person who was (mutually) intensely interested and intrigued by our opposites’ attraction.

We were friends and the attraction built and looking back, I see that a lot of our chemistry was based on the endless passionate discussions we had about “life issues.” In college, everyone is entranced by self-discovery and defining their identity. Conflict is fun and being challenged to think was exciting. If anything, it made me grow in my faith.

However, little by little, I saw things about him that just couldn’t and wouldn’t jive with what I really wanted in a future partner. (Granted, I went to college very young and so this was a relationship with a somewhat older guy who was at the same university as me…and because I was so young, I wasn’t always thinking of MARRAIGE, per se. Just “getting to know someone” and possibly finding love.)

Anyway, he saw nothing wrong with partying on the weekends and getting drunk, maybe smoking a little weed. He didn’t do this often, as he felt himself superior to the “everyday” pothead, but just enough (like every few months) to “relax.”

He thought life was about getting (or, rather, TAKING) as much out of it as possible. Pleasure and immediate gratification were his expectations for any amusement. Women were interesting to him and while he felt he was terribly respectful toward all women, he found nothing wrong with a little porn here or there either. Or sex before marriage or whatever two consenting people wanted to do and were “comfortable” with. Because he and everyone else is “entitled.”

Academic cheating wasn’t a big deal, either. It goes on every campus in the United States, after all. He was just trying to “stay ahead.” He couldn’t spend the amount of hours it would have required him to, in order to get an A on his own when grades were curved. And since everyone ELSE was cheating…why shouldn’t he?

He felt like he was “terribly respectful” of my “beliefs.” He was very into discussing how EVERYTHING is “a grey area.” He would debate me constantly about the concept of truth–attempting to convince me that truth is subjective, that everyone’s truth differs. I, of course, firmly believed that truth was black and white. That natural law DOES exist.

He always attempted, consciously or not, to put holes in my faith.

In the beginning he was semi-amused by my values and my boundaries in a relationship. He kept saying he had never met anyone who had a formula for chastity. But, he soon grew tired of chaste kissing and we fought a lot about what I was not willing to do.

Christmas came and he went to mass with me, though he looked around incredulously at all of these people gathered to celebrate the birthday of a baby born 2000 years ago. He just didn’t get it. I stopped understanding why I was with someone who at his core, didn’t care about what was most important to me. I found myself taking on his attitude at times, too. It was very difficult to remain autonomous when there were so many feelings wrapped up inside of the situation.

He wasn’t a “bad” person. He just had no reason to discern what was right or wrong. He didn’t believe we were accountable for anything to a higher power. Really, looking back, I see how hopeless that is. To just believe that there is no point to anything. So sad.

Probably what drove me most crazy was that he couldn’t concede anything we discussed as being fully explained. What I said MADE SENSE and yet his key missing component was faith. So our frame of reference just didn’t jive.

Anyway, I would not pursue this as a relationship. Missionary dating doesn’t work.
Thanks everyone! I very much appreciate your (name removed by moderator)ut.
Dated an agnostic, married him- guess what? Now he’s a devout Catholic.😃 God is good.
What’s the general opinion on dating an atheist?

I’m always sceptical that these self proclaimed atheists aren’t actually atheists… How can we be so sure about anything? -especially when we’re young. So dating a young guy who is still unsure about what he believes, unfortunetly leaning towards no God, however! An intelligent, funny, interesting person who is worthy of getting to know!

Any thoughts?
That depends how strong you are in your faith … But I would not suggest it either way. If he is anti-Christian, and athiests are, they he would try to drag you away from the Church with his indifference. He will make plans or whine when you want to worship. He will make you question your faith. As a young lady, you need a man who will strengthen you and give you spiritual guidance. You need a man who will be the first pastor of the family.

YES, I know you are only dating, but what is the purpose of dating except to find a mate.
What’s the general opinion on dating an atheist?

I’m always sceptical that these self proclaimed atheists aren’t actually atheists… How can we be so sure about anything? -especially when we’re young. So dating a young guy who is still unsure about what he believes, unfortunetly leaning towards no God, however! An intelligent, funny, interesting person who is worthy of getting to know!

Any thoughts?
why anyone would want to start a marriage with that kind of baggage is beyond me… you marry who you fall in love with, you fall in love with whom you date… take it from someone who knows, and that is… that sometimes in the wee hours of the morning, the only thing you have to hold you together is your faith, and without that… well lets say it makes for strange bedfellows… i am not going to say you can’t make it… i have been married to the same spouse for 27 years and have 4 children. If i had it too do all over again???

we would never have dated… because if i was to date that person again, i would fall in love and most likely marry that person again… you have no idea the pain, sorrow, strife, anger, heartbreak, lonelyness, that you will have to endure… and you will have to endure it…

don’t make the grand fopah of believing that you will convert the person first… won’t say it can’t happen, but you set yourself up for a rough time…

I wish you luck, love and peace… Lord knows your gonna need it!
space ghost:
don’t make the grand fopah of believing that you will convert the person first… won’t say it can’t happen, but you set yourself up for a rough time…

If you look at this guy and say, “I can change him” or “He’ll change for me.”


You can not change anyone. If he does change “for you” he will eventually reverty back to his old ways unless he turns his live over to a god, in which he does not believe in anyway." IT’S a loose - loose situation.

What’s the general opinion on dating an atheist?

I’m always sceptical that these self proclaimed atheists aren’t actually atheists… How can we be so sure about anything? -especially when we’re young. So dating a young guy who is still unsure about what he believes, unfortunetly leaning towards no God, however! An intelligent, funny, interesting person who is worthy of getting to know!

Any thoughts?
I dated an atheist when I was a senior in college. He ridiculed my faith, and of course had better things to do on Sunday mornings than church. It succeeded in weakening my faith b/c I stopped going to church to avoid confrontation. Being away from church also assisted in my bad choices b/c his atheist lifestyle was not what I should have been living… in the end… his atheist morality thought cheating on me was OK and we broke up.

He was intelligent, funny, and interesting. He was fascinating, having lived all over the world growing up. He was way ahead of the other college “boys” in his sophistication and I was always interested in cerebral things… however, that didn’t make up for the heartbreak and the ultimate realization that I could not ever have both him and the life I wanted with a husband-- faithful, Christian, and Sacramental.
You can not change anyone. If he does change “for you” he will eventually reverty back to his old ways unless he turns his live over to a god, in which he does not believe in anyway." IT’S a loose - loose situation.

Hello. I’m not recommeding or encouraging anyone date to an agnostic.
When I started dating although I always had faith in God, I wasn’t practicing my faith as a Catholic. When I returned to my faith we did have struggles because I felt alone in my faith. My husband came to God on his own as part of his recovery from alcoholism.

He never said he didn’t believe in God, he just said he didn’t know. People can change, I believe I was an influence but he didn’t do it *for me. *I believe it was the grace of God. I thank God for his conversion and for him using me to be a small part of that.

But like I said before I don’t recommend it, there are definately issues that could cause serious problems, like others have pointed out. I would pray about it.
Dated and married an agnostic. I was one also at that time. I converted to The RCC. He has not. He is still a wonderful husband who goes to Mass with me on the rare occasion and is very supportive of my faith while insisting “there’s no proof”. Had I been a person of faith when I met him, I would not have pursued the relationship because I believe our marriage could be so much more if we were on the same page on that issue. That said, I love him dearly and continue to pray for him.

P.S. There is a green scapular under his side of the mattress, though he doesn’t know it. 😃
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