I have kind of tried that, as much as anything I think that the relationship even should it end, would stand as proof that I could have a dating (leading in the direction of something past that) relationship with a girl, I know that I want to be chaste if/when I start a relationship with my future spouse, also trying to balance in the mix the fact that I have fealt this way for over a year and it is driving me crazy (like as in having conversations with her in my head (I probably need to reread Sarah Swafford’s Emotional Virtue but I leant my copy to someone)) I tried the whole "I’ll ask her out if and only if I can be free 6+ months, that got me to a maximum of 1.5 months of freedom, then I fell (and part of that was being on a cruise ship sharing a cabin with my grandma/hotel room with my parents and grandma). Having known of multiple people who got married before being fully free, I am not sure that is the primary issue in this (I am trying and so far my situation isn’t letting me get beyond around 2 weeks normally, I think college with a small group I trust being there to support me will also go a long way, but that’s 1.5 years away, and there aren’t a whole lot of good catholic guys around my age where I live (by a lot I mean pretty much any)). I get the whole “someone else may very well come along” at the same time God expects us to not be passive, and I would hate for this to be God’s plan and me go blundering in and mess it up, I keep having a series of weird nudges/coincedences, in the span of about a week I saw videos by 2 Catholic speakers who indicate the woman to be older (presumably by more than a few months) I find out that after ~2+ years she is no longer discerning becoming a nun, and I keep seeing the “it’s just a date, if you like her, man up and ask her out” type thing, and there is the whole still feeling this way 1+ years later.
Edit: I knew I was forgetting something, we met 10 years ago but lost contact for ~7 years before meeting on a church retreat, and I seem to be in a habit of breaking odds, 1 I’m Catholic, 2 I’m a faithful Catholic (well trying anyways), 3 I experience SSA, 4 despite 3 I’m also 2, 5 despite 3 I like a girl (and before someone starts the line about a spectrum of bisexuality, I hardly think 1-2 exceptions justify a different classification).