Daughter claims to have "seen" Mary

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I thought I would share an interesting story that involved my 2 1/2 year old daughter yesterday afternoon. During lunch, my daughter approached my wife and asked “where did Jesus’s mommy go?” My wife was bewildered, and asked her what she meant. My daughter replied that “Jesus’s mommy fell down” and she wanted my wife’s help in finding her.

So, my wife and her grandmother (my daughter’s great-grandmother) searched the area where my daughter was playing to see if they could “find” Mary, thinking that perhaps a statue or a picture of Mary would have fallen from a shelf, etc. However, the only pictures and statue of Mary in the house were upstairs, and that there was nothing like that in the play area.

When my wife asked what “Jesus’s mommy” had looked like, my daughter said “like this”, as she put her hands together as if to pray, and cocked her head to the side. When my wife asked if she was pretty, my daughter smiled and said “oh, yes Mommy, Jesus’s mommy is very pretty”. This, naturally, caused hair on the back of my wife’s neck to stand up.

Thinking that my daughter was just being an imaginative 2 1/2 year old, my wife obseved her for the rest of the day, while my daughter just kept talking non-stop about Mary. When my wife’s uncle showed up tp the house later in the afternoon, my daughter immediately greeted him at the door, and wanted to show him where “Jesus’s mommy” was. She then led him to where she was playing, only to be disappointed to not be able to find here again. When I got home from work, all she talked about was seeing “Jesus’s mommy”.

Needless to say, my wife and I are both in awe and disbelief over this. I was wondering if anyone else has heard of children possibly seeing visions of Mary. When we told her aunt and other family members about this, they too were in awe, and had added that they heard of occurences like this happening to children. If anyone has heard similar stories, I’d like to hear them.

I think it’s very possible she saw her.

My mom took my son to Adoration about a year ago and he reported actually seeing Jesus. I don’t remember the details very well, but I believe this stuff happens to kids. 😉
I think it’s very possible she saw her.

My mom took my son to Adoration about a year ago and he reported actually seeing Jesus. I don’t remember the details very well, but I believe this stuff happens to kids. 😉
I saw Jesus this morning-in fact I lovingly held in my hands and then obeyed his intruction to eat his body and drink his blood. As Catholics we have the marvelous opportunity to view and recieve Jesus every day.
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