Family. One of life’s greatest injustices - can’t choose your own relatives!
Just got back from a glorious day with family & 152 other families & celebrants…and I’m p*ssed off!
5 Parishes got together at the Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis for the confirmation of our children. 2-1/2 hours of the Holy Spirit just flowing through a congregation of 1500, in a gorgeous Church… the ceremony presided by our diocese Bishop.
No thunder, lightning, damnation, threats… just assurance that if these kids follow what they’ve learned, life will be good for them…
(And no, I didn’t accept communion today, I haven’t confessed my sins, and can’t be absolved from one of them. I watched my daughter, son, & wife proceed to the altar, while I stayed behind. (see closed “Mortal Sin” thread))
An offer was extended to my mother & father to attend both the ceremony & a brunch afterward. (My parents divorced in 1976… life’s quirks have brought them within 3 miles of eachother - another story entirely)
My mother did not attend the ceremony, but in all honesty admitted that she could not feel “right” attending this particular service with a clean conscience and open heart… but she did greet all of us at the restaurant (the 1st one there).
My father wasn’t there at all. ***Had something more important to do… ***his excuse was to “pre-drive his new bus route”.
(Without going into 67 pages of posts about my Dad & his quirks, he could’ve given a reasonable explanation… like his ex-wife’s… not such a lame excuse as a new bus route)
So… should I be P*ssed at my Dad for his lame-*ss excuse and not attending his only granddaughter’s confirmation, or turn the other cheek and invite him to dinner next Sunday?
(I could write an Emmy Award winning sitcom script with only my family as the topic. You CANNOT make up the cr*p I live with daily… and it would make me a friggin’ millionaire with other people laughing at my problems!)
Just got back from a glorious day with family & 152 other families & celebrants…and I’m p*ssed off!
5 Parishes got together at the Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis for the confirmation of our children. 2-1/2 hours of the Holy Spirit just flowing through a congregation of 1500, in a gorgeous Church… the ceremony presided by our diocese Bishop.
No thunder, lightning, damnation, threats… just assurance that if these kids follow what they’ve learned, life will be good for them…
(And no, I didn’t accept communion today, I haven’t confessed my sins, and can’t be absolved from one of them. I watched my daughter, son, & wife proceed to the altar, while I stayed behind. (see closed “Mortal Sin” thread))
An offer was extended to my mother & father to attend both the ceremony & a brunch afterward. (My parents divorced in 1976… life’s quirks have brought them within 3 miles of eachother - another story entirely)
My mother did not attend the ceremony, but in all honesty admitted that she could not feel “right” attending this particular service with a clean conscience and open heart… but she did greet all of us at the restaurant (the 1st one there).
My father wasn’t there at all. ***Had something more important to do… ***his excuse was to “pre-drive his new bus route”.
(Without going into 67 pages of posts about my Dad & his quirks, he could’ve given a reasonable explanation… like his ex-wife’s… not such a lame excuse as a new bus route)
So… should I be P*ssed at my Dad for his lame-*ss excuse and not attending his only granddaughter’s confirmation, or turn the other cheek and invite him to dinner next Sunday?
(I could write an Emmy Award winning sitcom script with only my family as the topic. You CANNOT make up the cr*p I live with daily… and it would make me a friggin’ millionaire with other people laughing at my problems!)