Daughters of Divine Hope - New Religious Order

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I want to introduce a new religious order Daughters of Divine Hope and Sister Susan Catherine Kennedy the foundress. I have had the pleasure of spending some time with Sister Susan Catherine and look forward to a longer visit later this year.

Most Rev. Alvaro Corrada, SJ, Bishop of the Diocese of Tyler issued a decree on 21 November 2011, the Solemnity of Christ the King, establishing the Daughters of Divine Hope as a public association of the faithful in the Church. As such the Daughters of Divine Hope is subject to Church law and the oversight of the bishop. This is the first step toward one day being formally established as a religious order. The Rule was approved on 9 November 2011, the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica.

Upon completion of her novitiate, the foundress, Sr. Susan Catherine, professed temporary vows during Mass on 20 November 2011, the Solemnity of Christ the King. Fr. Gavin Vaverek, Chaplain of the Daughters of Divine Hope, was delegated to accept her vows on behalf of the Church. The community continues to gather like-mind women who are discerning a call to consecrated life.

What is unique about this community is that in continuation of the rich Catholic tradition, the Daughters of Divine Hope are open to women over the age of 25, including widows, who desire to live a life consecrated in Christ and to his service. The community life will respect the need for the women to maintain family relationships. There is no upper age limit; however, each case will be evaluated on its own merits.

I would encourage women, especially widows, that are discerning a vocation to the religious life and feel called to a community committed to family life and service to the Church and her priests to contact Sister Susan Catherine.

[daughtersofdivinehope.org/ma(name removed by moderator)age.html](http://www.daughtersofdivinehope.org/ma(name removed by moderator)age.html)
Hooray! Another Catholic order from Texas. Them and the dudes out of San Antone make 2 in the past 5 years. And additionally, the A.C.T.S retreats are a fine Texas tradition too! Lotsa good things going in in Texas. The Fransalians have (kind of) recently begun operating a spiritual center also in the Diocese of Tyler, and the Frisee of the Renewal recently set up in the Diocese of Fort Worth too. Lots going on…
I have a curious question though…how does a foundress go through a novitiate?? I mean, with whom? And under whose supervision? Is the community already there with her? They kinda skipped that part in the Mother Theresa movie…
I have a curious question though…how does a foundress go through a novitiate?? I mean, with whom? And under whose supervision? Is the community already there with her? They kinda skipped that part in the Mother Theresa movie…
Mother Theresa was already a religious sister so had been through formation with her community. Sister Rosalind (Rosalind Moss) is founding the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israels Hope. She spent a year at a Visitation monastery for her formation.
I have a curious question though…how does a foundress go through a novitiate?? I mean, with whom? And under whose supervision? Is the community already there with her? They kinda skipped that part in the Mother Theresa movie…
Sr. Susan Catherine worked closely with her Bishop who is a Jesuit so he could, under Cannon Law, direct her novitiate process. He will work with her and the Chaplin of the Order in the formation of those that join the community.

She was very blessed that her formation was designed specific to the charism envisioned by the Bishop for the community. Others called to found new communities often experienced formation through established orders. This is effective but does not provide for the specific focus towards the unique spirituality of the new order being formed.
Thanks for this news!

I love the habit of this new community-very ‘traditional’, and such an unusual color! When I looked at the pictures, I thought it was black-but no, it was dark green! Well, green does signify hope…😉

I hope Sister Susan Catherine gets a lot of inquiries! It’s nice that there is no upper age limit, just like with Mother Miriam in Oklahoma (formerly Rosalind Moss).
It’s called a founders novitiate. The founder needs to have their formation program written beforehand so that the community knows what to do. This costs about $100 a month and is known as the canonical year required by canon law. The community should have a spirituality as close to that as the emerging charism as possible. As to when the founders novitiate is done is up to the founder, but is highly suggested before seeking adherents. One has to know where one is going before one can lead.

We offer a yahoo group for founders and their supporters called Fullerton Society.

We are working on a website explaining the Fullertons and the foundational process.

Thanks for this news!

I love the habit of this new community-very ‘traditional’, and such an unusual color! When I looked at the pictures, I thought it was black-but no, it was dark green! Well, green does signify hope…😉

I hope Sister Susan Catherine gets a lot of inquiries! It’s nice that there is no upper age limit, just like with Mother Miriam in Oklahoma (formerly Rosalind Moss).
Mother Miriam told me that she is now looking for younger women as she has enough of the mature women, so its a very iffy now if she will take mature women at the moment, but Mother Catherine God Bless her will.
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