I posted the above threat earlier in regard to my 23 yr old daughter who is discerning a religious vocation.
For more info please read the original post, but if not here is the basic info:
My daughter was severly abused most of her childhood and teenage year and due to this became severley depressed for many years. As a child of 13 she decided to convert to Catholicism - I made her wait until she was 18 but she never gave up on this decision and converted in april 2011. She attributes her faith to being cure from depression.
She told me that she is not 100% sure if she wants to be a nun or get married, however she made a promise to god that if he would restore her health she would do her best to try and discover what his plan for her life was, even if that meant sacrificing marriage and family. Despite her past she has never had any trouble connecting with men and I doubt she is thinking of being a nun as a form of escape. She told me that she is simply praying about becoming a nun but also prays that if God wants her to get married, he’ll bring her the right man.
Right now she is halfway though college, she is studying to be a teacher and feels she would want to be a teacher whether she is a nun or layperson. She has made the deans list every semester, even earlier when she struggled with depression it did not affect her grades.
In my other post someone left this comment:
I am not catholic and know little about this. Just looking for advice. Thanks.
I posted the above threat earlier in regard to my 23 yr old daughter who is discerning a religious vocation.
For more info please read the original post, but if not here is the basic info:
My daughter was severly abused most of her childhood and teenage year and due to this became severley depressed for many years. As a child of 13 she decided to convert to Catholicism - I made her wait until she was 18 but she never gave up on this decision and converted in april 2011. She attributes her faith to being cure from depression.
She told me that she is not 100% sure if she wants to be a nun or get married, however she made a promise to god that if he would restore her health she would do her best to try and discover what his plan for her life was, even if that meant sacrificing marriage and family. Despite her past she has never had any trouble connecting with men and I doubt she is thinking of being a nun as a form of escape. She told me that she is simply praying about becoming a nun but also prays that if God wants her to get married, he’ll bring her the right man.
Right now she is halfway though college, she is studying to be a teacher and feels she would want to be a teacher whether she is a nun or layperson. She has made the deans list every semester, even earlier when she struggled with depression it did not affect her grades.
In my other post someone left this comment:
It has me a little worried and confused. My daughter is in close contact with her priest, vocation director, and a few local nuns from different orders. All of them are aware of her past abuse and depression. None of them have ever discouraged her from pursuing the possibility of a vocation due to it. They seem to think - as does she and he therapists - that the depression was due to a bad situation vs. a chemical imbalance. Her priest feels her story of recovery is a miracle and inspiration and feels she could use it to help others. However, I would feel horrible for her if after years of discernment she were turned away due to depression experienced as a teen-twenty something due to severe abuse.You’re daughter has a serious mental illness. Catholic religious orders will not accept people with serious mental illness, since they don’t last long in vocation because they can’t function on many days.
I am not catholic and know little about this. Just looking for advice. Thanks.