I don’t think the DaVinci book counters The Passion. The DaVinci book came out before The Passion was released. It frightens me to realize how popular this DaVinci book is, and yes, it is soon to be a movie. It is a very large stab by satan to tell us he is alive and well. There are many small stabs by satan in the media, like many of the movies out there. Take Mona Lisa’s Smile with Julia Roberts, for example. The audience is pulled into sympathizing with a character who is a lesbian nurse who is dispensing contraception to the college students. Then at the end of the movie, we are to see as “the good guy’s”, two women of little moral character, one who has slept with married men, among others, leaving the college after graduation to move to the big city to continue thier lifestyle. I am worried that the DaVinci book is so popular. It shows the state our world is in.
This Mona Lisa movie was very popular, that is why I rented it. The movie only depressed me about the world we are living in. I have heard a story about Pope Leo XIII in the late 1800’s had a vision of Jesus and satan. satan told Jesus to give him the next 100 years to take over the earth, and Jesus is allowing this. Please correct this story if I am in error. This is the same Pope who wrote the Saint Micheal prayer.