DaVinci book counter for the passion

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Spiritual Warfare. We have some idea of the effect Mel Gibson’s “the Pasion” Has had on society in general. Could the DaVinci code book be a satanic way to take attention from the truth and corrupt what kind of positive influence could come from the media. ?

Kind of crazy thought but I’m sure you understand…lol :whacky:
I’ve never read the book, but I heard enought about it last night on catholic answers to know that I’m not going to. All it is is fictional trash disigned to bash the church and christianity in general. Even the evangelicals think it is trash. But you may be right. It is sort of a counter attack for all the publicity of the Mel Gibson movie.
Spiritual Warfare. We have some idea of the effect Mel Gibson’s “the Pasion” Has had on society in general. Could the DaVinci code book be a satanic way to take attention from the truth and corrupt what kind of positive influence could come from the media. ?

Kind of crazy thought but I’m sure you understand…lol :whacky:
I think you are very right about Spiritual Warfare…BTW Dan Brown is writing a sequel and Ron Howard is makin a movie on it! I recently took a course to refute the book @ CDU on-line, which , I’m told is going to be offered again this summer. anyway I did purchase the book and read only the parts which were referred to in the course and I sort of wish I hadn’t spent the money on such trash but I did.:o
i think the only people reading that book are those that are already lost. If they make a movie though thats something else. it can reach millions more and that wouldnt be good.
The davinci code, which I have read, is tragic because it makes people with little historical, theological and artistic knowledge feel that they have received an education of sorts. I think it is indeed Spiritual Warfare (but I don’t know if its a “counter-attack” to The Passion as it did predate the movie).

At first I felt it was harmless- who after all could believe this tripe. After speaking with friends (who believe that Brown raises real doubts in the book) and listening to people, some in church, talk about it, I did an about-face. Those who discuss it seem to think the author really did scholarly research, discovered ancient truths and came up with bold, new ideas, rather than rehashing a lot of occultist and conspiratorial nonsense. They believe they have received insider knowledge. This speaks to the sad level of catechesis in the Church and the absolutely pathetic level of historical knowledge in this country. Any reasonably well-informed reader should be able to see enough problems in Brown’s book to assume there are many others. Carl Olson and Sandra Meisel (among numerous others) ably show just how much of the book is absurd. The number of errors is (ahem) legion. (Oh, and let’s not go saying just who is “lost” and who isn’t - not our call yes;) )
I understand that Ron Howard (Oppie from the old Andy Griffith show) is going to direct the movie. When I heard this I wasn’t really surprised. I haven’t seen many of Oppie’s movies, but I have seen “Apollo 13.” You know what’s missing from that movie? God. No mention of Him. We don’t see the astronauts or anyone on the ground praying or invoking God’s mercy in any way. That’s far different from the actual events. (See christiananswers.net/spotlight/news/woodfill-interview.html )

The director of “Apollo 13” doesn’t give the religous angle of the miraculous salvation of the three astronuats… and now he’s slated to direct the most blashemous movie to come down the pike since “The Last Temptation.” :hmmm:
I don’t think the DaVinci book counters The Passion. The DaVinci book came out before The Passion was released. It frightens me to realize how popular this DaVinci book is, and yes, it is soon to be a movie. It is a very large stab by satan to tell us he is alive and well. There are many small stabs by satan in the media, like many of the movies out there. Take Mona Lisa’s Smile with Julia Roberts, for example. The audience is pulled into sympathizing with a character who is a lesbian nurse who is dispensing contraception to the college students. Then at the end of the movie, we are to see as “the good guy’s”, two women of little moral character, one who has slept with married men, among others, leaving the college after graduation to move to the big city to continue thier lifestyle. I am worried that the DaVinci book is so popular. It shows the state our world is in.

This Mona Lisa movie was very popular, that is why I rented it. The movie only depressed me about the world we are living in. I have heard a story about Pope Leo XIII in the late 1800’s had a vision of Jesus and satan. satan told Jesus to give him the next 100 years to take over the earth, and Jesus is allowing this. Please correct this story if I am in error. This is the same Pope who wrote the Saint Micheal prayer.
I have not read the book and don’t intend to, but I did get a good laugh from Dave Barry’s lastest column Sunday,27th.
He really puts the book into a proper prospective.
I’ve never read the book, but I heard enought about it last night on catholic answers to know that I’m not going to. All it is is fictional trash disigned to bash the church and christianity in general. Even the evangelicals think it is trash. But you may be right. It is sort of a counter attack for all the publicity of the Mel Gibson movie.
In my own family the book and the movie are the focus of some real spiritual warfare. My brother (he and my sister-in-law are Unitarians) sent me a copy of the book when it came out and challenged me to read it and reply. I sent him a long analysis of the book refuting all the anti-Catholic nonsense in it.

He responded by sending me a copy of his Unitarian minister’s Palm Sunday sermon in which she addressed both the book and the movie. Predictably, she adored the book and trashed the movie, though she admitted she hadn’t seen the movie and didn’t intend to. She did go to great lengths, though, to plead for open-mindedness when reading The DaVinci Code! She didn’t have much to say about that with regard to The Passion.

Pray for me. My brother is waiting for an answer, and though he seems a bit in-my-face about this, I suspect he’s really searching for answers he hasn’t got right now.
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