Hello!! I posted on this forum a year or two ago about possibly being called for the Diaconate. To make long story short I did pray about it and thought I had come to the conclusion that it wasn’t for me. I freely admit that maybe I did not pray as much as I maybe should have. What is promoting me to post this is I keep coming back to the emails I got from my diocese with all the Diaconate information, I keep reading about the Diaconate, and generally just keep coming back to thinking if whether I should pray about my decision again or not. I was wondering if there are any deacons on the board that might be kind enough to share their experiences about how they were called and how they knew they received a confirmation from Christ to enter the Diaconate. If you don’t want to post then a PM is fine. A little about me I am 34 years old, married with 2 boys. One is Three, the other is 4 months (yes I am sleep deprived) thank you!