Ok, I’m going to give this my best shot.
If your wife became pregnant with a “mentally handicapped” is she not open to your feelings on the matter. Since you would be the father of the child would she feel comfortable going against your wishes?
Knowing that you feel abortion is the killing of innocent unborn child and this would be your child and she would be the cause of its death would she willing to very possibly sacrifice your marriage (because this would have devistating effects on a marriage) out of fear of raising an imperfect child?
Your feelings are your feelings regardless of what she believes or doesn’t believe and if you feel abortion is murder whether she agrees with that or not is irrelevant. This is a point you need to get across(in a loving matter.)
Example: (In a calm, soft voice)Honey if you were to have an abortion in my heart I would feel like you just killed my child, whether you feel that way or not doesn’t change my feelings. I would be devastated, it would just tear me to peices. It scares me how that would effect our relationship, I don’t know how I could handle it. I need to know that we make decisions together in our marriage especially when it involves our precious unborn child that we’re expecting. I love you, it isn’t just about me. I worry if you could really handle the after effects of abortion. I know from testimonies I’ve heard women who undergo abortions suffer enormous guilt and often suffer from depression-I don’t want you to go thru that. I need to know that we’ll make all of our decisions together and face them together.
Fighting about it will only make her defensive. Trying to make her feel like she’s wrong or her opinions are immoral will make her tune you out(or make her angry). The best way to approach this (in my humble opinion) is with warmth, and caring concern. Don’t get into what she believes or doesn’t believe, help her to understand how
you feel, how it would effect
you. How painful it would be for you. That you would fall in love with this child the moment you knew it existed and that you just don’t know how you handle it’s life being taken away. A child you and her created together out of love. You need to go for the heart

not the head. Because her head ain’t hearing ya.
I’m praying for you both.