This topic isn’t about me, it is about my original concern. I have received some great info from all of you. You all have set me at ease to a certain degree because I have felt a certain obligation to learn more about this situation and possibly speak to the person of interest. Now I see that with this individual’s apparent knowledge of Church teaching, I may be “off the hook” in this way…but I still need to pray. I don’t know, I guess I always feel that I do too little. Once again, the thread was created by me to gather information and assistance. If you wish to make it personal, take a hike! Oh, by the way, I’m not a girl :tiphat: God bless you all.
If you didn’t wish to make this a “personal” issue, why did you send me a personal e-mail telling me to, for the most part, not to disagree with you in your thread.
I’d post your e-mail to me, but I deleted it. Such a petty issue.
DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW PAINFUL AND DIFFICULT IT IS FOR A PERSON TO DEAL WITH THEIR OWN HOMOSEXUALITY??? Don’t pour salt in his wounds. So many have done this before you. In addition to the uncle it mentioned earlier, he had a nephew and my cousin who the family also suspects to be gay. He was pushed into the seminary all the way through his education by his parents. My mother suspects that the motive was to bury the somewhat “strange” child in the priesthood. Believe me, no dummies make it to ordination into the priesthood. On the eve of his ordination, he joined the Navy (this way during WWII). The invitations were out and everything set. At the last minute, he did what he knew what right. After the Navy, we lost track of him, but know that he moved to California (as far away from his home of Indiana as possible) and dedicated his life to serving the needy through social work, etc. He never married. Eventhough I never knew him, I will always appreciate him and love him for the suffering he may have suffered. Regardless of the reason he chose not to be ordained a priest, it must have been a heart wrenching decision. He was much stronger than our uncle who killed himself through addiction to alcohol.
I think all of us understand your interest in your cousin’s life. He almost made it to the priesthood, but backed out. Please believe the he did not make that decision lightly. It took a tremendous amount of courage to do what he did and the pain involved must have been unbearable. Can you imagine loving God, but He finds fault in you that you have no control over?
Sidebar: I truly believe that 99.9% of homosexuals are born that way and have no choice. Depending on your personality type, some can live life without romantic love, but most can’t. Personally, if it were my decision, I would have to take my chances on eternal damnation or confessing a long-term mortal sin on my deathbed, than suffering through life in misery. I’m not strong enough.
What I and others are asking is that you let this issue in his life remain in the past. He made his decision and he to live with it. PERIOD. Love him for the way he lives his life outside the bedroom. Let him know that you love him, regardless. The most you can do is PRAY for him. God will hear you and do what HE sees fit for your cousin.
I never took this personally, but you asked for advice and many of us are older and more experienced in matters such as this. Please forgive.