How do you cope with your child telling you that they are homosexual?
I do not have first hand experience with this, but I do have a close Catholic friend with a same-sex attratcion.How do you cope with your child telling you that they are homosexual?
I don’t know how to answer your question since it has not happened to me. But I have 2 sisters who claim to be gay. One truly is and I question whether the other truly is. (We are all in our 40’s.)How do you cope with your child telling you that they are homosexual?
Courage and Encourage are not the same as Dignity. Take it from somebody who grew up on the outskirts of Chicago’s “Boys’ Town” when the Rainbow Movement was just in its infancy, and saw a particular parish with those problems. Courage is not for “cruisers”.Be careful about advising him/her to associate with other same-sex-attraction Catholics. In my diocese, one inner-city parish has been pretty much handed over to gay people, who go there to cruise for dates. Nothing at all is ever said in that parish about chastity outside marriage.
Sorry to be a sourpuss, but this seems to be a reality in North America and Northern Europe. No wonder good men drop out of the seminaries.
Blessings… - Rob