Death penalty poll

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if only one (or none) type of criminals should be put to death, which is it?
I don’t believe anyone has the moral authority to decide to put someone to death
If for some odd reason I am forced to pick a type of criminal to be considered for possible death penalty, I would recommend that the state consider executing offenders that 1) most certainly did the crime 2) are still killing in prison and you can’t stop them.

I find it particularly abhorrent that they routinely put people up for the death penalty without it being near incontestable that they did it. It saps the credibility of our “justice” system.
I can understand how some people on an emotional level think someone deserves to die.

However, if you look at it with your mind, you realize that ONLY God has the right to take someone’s life.

I wish there had been ‘other’ because it’s not simply a matter of how many were killed or what kind of victim was killed but what that person is capable of from prison. I think there might be a few very egregious cases where a person still had so much influence from inside prison that he could cause the deaths of others from inside. I am thinking of something like a drug kingpin or organized crime leader. There may be no way to protect the innocent even if he’s in jail. But such cases are very very rare.

Lisa N
I don’t believe in the death penalty.No one but God has the right to take someone’s life.
If there is a way to confine violent criminals, there is no need for the death penalty.I do recognize that there is no way to do this in many other countries, & I would therefore not want to condemn a place w/o proper prisons that executes people.We in the US do have the facilities. (We do not use them properly, but that is another topic).

If the question is, that I have to choose one group of people that could be executed, I would say that it would have to be (a)those who are likely to do the same thing again, (b) are the most violent, &(c)those who are also likely to get out of prison as well…

I do not likeany of these choices. And I could not & would not ever be able to be on a jury where the death penalty is a possibility. For any crime whatsoever. But that’s me…
I believe what the Church teaches, that legitimate civil authorities have the right to administer the death penalty. However, I think that if it is used at all, it can only be used when the criminal is clearly guilty and still poses a substantial threat to society. This is possible, but less likely as we are able as a society to imprison people more effectively. The question of when the death penalty can be applied is one of prudence, but prudence dictates that given modern innovations, it remain practically unused.
I’ll never forget the whole seamless garment philosophy that Cardinal Bernadine voiced. It affected me deeply but I was on the fence with the death penalty for along time. I eventually just surrendered to it and hope that all murderers repent and accept Christ and that they are given the rest of their natural life to have that opportunity. I admire those who have prison ministries…I wouldn’t want to do it but I’m glad there are those who can see God in these people. (I have to admit that when I see candlelight vigils outside of death row and people singing “We Shall Overcome”, I do feel anger at those people and sympathize with the families of those who were killed and who seek this kind of justice. However, if the government takes away the option to use capital punishment then we all just have to accept it.)
God will judge and give just punishment and mercy to all. It is not my or the government’s decision to end life. People should have the right to take life only in extreme cases as in war, battles, or fights when their’s or someone else’s life is at immediate risk. Even then if the aggressor is able to be disabled and/or detained without being killed, then life must always be chosen over death. Just think about it life in prison is a very hard punishment that is just … suicide rates are very high among prisoners yet I am not condoning suicide at all!!!
I know your going to think I’m horrible but they all deserve the death penalty if they have a FAIR trial and found guilty.
Right on!!! That should have been in the poll!
I know your going to think I’m horrible but they all deserve the death penalty if they have a FAIR trial and found guilty.
God will judge and give just punishment and mercy to all.
God does the judging. The justice system just sets up the meeting.
Those should be put to death who put other peoples’ lives at risk and can’t be stopped by means which don’t involve the risk of anyone’s death.

It’s dangerous to say someone deserves to die for his crimes when many of us, if not all deserve eternal, not just temporal, death for our sins and are saved only because God is merciful.
If you had asked me a few months ago, I would have said all but the abortionists and euthanasia supporters (don’t agree with them and when we change the law, if they continue, they should be locked up). However, I have slowly come to the decision that I cannot support the DP in any case. However, until Life w/o parole means life, I will not be an abolitionist.
if only one (or none) type of criminals should be put to death, which is it?
My answer was none. Personally I dont think it is up to me or anyone else to decide who should die. God decides when it is time to take someone out of this world. Personally I do not want to try to make decisions for him that isnt my place.

God Bless,
This has been polled probably more than any other subject. Scroll back through the old pages. No vote and no other comment except try something new.
God does the judging. The justice system just sets up the meeting.
Using that logic, it would be okay for abortionists to set up appointments for unborn babies to meet God. Because after all, God will take their precious souls right up to heaven anyway. It is NEVER okay for a human being to murder another human being. In some cases we are more culpable than others (deliberate murder like abortion and the death penalty) in others like war, it is more debatable. In any case, just because some evils may be smaller than others DOES NOT make them OKAY.

The death penalty is a manifestation of human sin that goes all the way back to Cain and Abel: the desire for blood revenge due to anger. God knew others would be angry, but He specifically and very harshly condemned anyone who would try to murder Cain for revenge. (Genesis 4: 15-16) I wish the Church would be a little more clear in defense of the human dignity of criminals, as God makes it obvious He hates vengeful murder (ie death penalty). Our actions, however evil, are never bigger than God’s forgiveness…we are dignified because of our BEING human, not acting so. The anger is quite justifiable…who wouldn’t be horribly upset at the murder of a loved one? But revenge belongs to God ALONE. It is a high sacrifice to make, agreed…but Christ died to bring us forgiveness, and if we can’t learn to forgive we continue to walk in sin. Think of the Pope forgiving the man who nearly killed him.

I see the basic arguments against abortion and the death penalty as the same – ALL are MADE IN GOD’S IMAGE regardless of size, ability, thought, action, anything we have done or can’t do or will do.

Two wrongs NEVER make a right. Human life is sacred. Period.

I really have to say that I am a very big pacifist! I do not think that we as humans have the right to take another humans life no matter what they have done! That dosen’t mean I don’t think they should be punished. They should! To the fullist, just not death. How do you teach people to not murder by murdering! Isn’t that hypicritical? Look at what Pope John Paul II had the courage to do, he forgave his would be murderer! We should all take from that and learn from his experience! I have already told all of my family and friends that if anything would ever happen to me in this way I do not ever want the person guilty to be charged with the death penalty. I also don’t believe in abortion, war, guns, violence, fighting or mean people etc. etc. etc. (I know I don’t sound realistic at all do I but I can’t help it, I just feel like I want to do better by society and hopefully give back when I have my own children by teaching them my own values hoping they carry them on) Isn’t it really only up to God alone to judge and give and take life to us humans?👋
This has been polled probably more than any other subject. Scroll back through the old pages. No vote and no other comment except try something new.
Maybe next time I should remove “none” from the list to create a more balanced result and something new
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