Here is a very interesting and informative article reviewing a book out
The Da Vinci Deception
From: Catholic Educator’s Resource Centre
The Da Vinci Deception
Zenit interviews Mark Shea on The Da Vinci Deception.
The Da Vinci Deception
From: Catholic Educator’s Resource Centre
The Da Vinci Deception
Zenit interviews Mark Shea on The Da Vinci Deception.
The best cure for The Da Vinci Code is, in the end, hearty gales of well-informed laughter.The Da Vinci Deception is designed precisely to help people stop taking The Da Vinci Code so seriously. Happily, Dan Brown and company have made things easy for us in that department. His book is so laughably bad, its claims so easily and demonstrably false, the whole thing so silly, that debunking takes on a rather gleeful quality — which is, I think, only fitting.