Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Today ends the first part of our preparation in which we are seeking “to empty ourselves of the spirit of the world which is opposed to Jesus.” Hopefully we have been pondering in our hearts words St. Louis De Montfort shared in “True Devotion”, and will be ready to begin Week 1 Day 1, tomorrow.
In paragraph 227 after encouraging us to spend at least 12 days in emptying ourselves of the spirit of the world which is opposed to Christ, St. Louis de Montfort wrote:
Today is the memorial of St. Juan Diego, a humble convert to the Faith, to whom Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared. If you have read about Mary’s apparition to him, you realize how Humble and Childlike he was. How important Humility is – for God resists the proud but raises the lowly.
Let us remember this scene from Matthew’s Gospel:
Today ends the first part of our preparation in which we are seeking “to empty ourselves of the spirit of the world which is opposed to Jesus.” Hopefully we have been pondering in our hearts words St. Louis De Montfort shared in “True Devotion”, and will be ready to begin Week 1 Day 1, tomorrow.
In paragraph 227 after encouraging us to spend at least 12 days in emptying ourselves of the spirit of the world which is opposed to Christ, St. Louis de Montfort wrote:
The purpose of these first 12 days is to help us to “see” by God’s Grace that the spirit of the world is NOT the Spirit of Christ, and we need to empty ourselves of that opposing spirit and learn from Jesus through Mary how to live truly in the Spirit of Christ.They should then spend three weeks imbuing themselves with the spirit of Jesus through the most Blessed Virgin.
Today is the memorial of St. Juan Diego, a humble convert to the Faith, to whom Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared. If you have read about Mary’s apparition to him, you realize how Humble and Childlike he was. How important Humility is – for God resists the proud but raises the lowly.
Let us remember this scene from Matthew’s Gospel:
And also these words of Jesus:At that time the disciples approached Jesus and said, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said, “Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one child such as this in My name receives Me. – Mt 18:1-5
Come Holy Spirit, enlighten our minds and hearts that we may become humble as little children and empty ourselves of the spirit of the world which opposes Christ. We cannot accomplish it all in 12 days, but we can begin by your grace and persevere with your help. We know that without God we can do nothing!What profit is there for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? – Mark 8:36
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