Deciding whether or not to attend Mass

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With the corona virus, it seems like a lot of people are thinking about this, but it is also an issue that comes up pretty regularly.

Because it seems that a person could be spreading the coronavirus for up to 2 weeks before falling ill themselves, it seems like there is a potential for an invisible risk. Does that make a difference?

Suppose the person really wants to go, but is concerned about risk?

How strict is the Church wrt prevention of illness, say if someone is more vulnerable to illness, would not going be ok?

If one is caring for more vulnerable people?

I can’t imagine its being a sin if someone wants to go but is vulnerable and in an area with cases, but some seem to imply that this should not matter.

I am hoping for serious information about what the Church teaches or suggests in this type of situation rather than just the sort of casual conversation that is going on on ither threads.
Your Bishop has likely released guidelines for your Diocese. I’d follow what he and your doctors say.
I can’t imagine its being a sin if someone wants to go but is vulnerable and in an area with cases,
That would be my view also. All positions on this matter are personal judgements. If you act with sincerity that is all that can be expected.
I’m looking for info that is probably more related to the coronavirus, regarding people who are not sick but who for one reason or another, are very vulnerable to the disease, or their caretakers, who could pass it along to them before they feel any signs of illness.

The Church is clear that sickness lifts the obligation.
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Suppose you visit someone who turns out to have coronavirus. Would you go to Mass even tho you do not feel sick and risk getting those around you sick, including someone who could has the risk factors for dying of the disease?
I’m having trouble getting good information on that. Is testing readily available?

What do you all check to keep on top of Corona Virus news? I haven’t found a news source that seems especially helpful.
It’s foolish to wait until you get to this level in order to stay home

As the Bishops guidelines are coming out this week-end, if you feel ill or feel like you’re coming down with an illness, with a sense of charity for others, stay home.
And this is why our Archbishop has removed the obligation of attending Mass for those who getting sick could be devastating.

Because we have people that would go to Mass on their death bed, potentially infecting all around them, as long as they could sit up straight.
I’m struggling with this now. I am (to the best of my knowledge) in a state of grace, which is where I want to remain. I have been a Catholic long enough to know that, when I miss mass, my anxiety rises, my interactions with others aren’t as loving and I tend more toward sin. So, I really WANT to be able to take the Eucharist. OTOH, I’m diabetic and the last time I had the flu (2010), I was 10 years younger and still almost died. I have a child who depends on me, not to mention a husband who loves his wife.

Writing it out, it seems plain that I should make this sacrifice, but I still really don’t WANT to …such an irony from all the times in my life when I have found other things “more important” than going to Mass…
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