Do you have close christian friends? i too feel this way from time to time. Like “What if God isn’t real”. I’m a very logical person, and you can basically use logic to prove anything (i actually saw someone right out mathmatically how 1+1=0… and it worked.) I start to tell myself that there is no way there could be a God…
But then i end up thinking of the things he’s done for me. The things that have gone on in my life, and how there are far too many to be coincidence.
My friends really help with that. In all honesty, everyone experiences doubt sometime, somewhere. It’s part of being attacked and being human.
I may actually help to memorize some quick prayers to recite to yourself when you feel doubt coming
Above all, DONT BELIEVE THE LIES. You are not a terrible christian because your faith is not constant. This is simply satan trying to bring you down. And you know, if satan is trying to bring you down, it’s because God has BIG plans for your life and your impact for the kingdom.
Keep strong
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