Defending Joshua 10:40

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I tried this post on the Apologetics section but I’m looking for a little more help.

I need to defend God’s commanding Joshua to destroy the men, women and children of enemy towns. I have a new age friend who is using this to prove that the Bible is not infallible because it is impossible for a loving God to have commanded such a thing. Therefore since the Bible is wrong about Joshua we are free to question any scripture.

Thanks in advance
Why is it impossible to believe a loving God would do that?

They were pagan towns that would have (and later did) infect the people of Israel and lead them towards idol worship.

Would it be a loving thing to place one’s children next to a pit of vipers and scorpions, or would a loving parent cleanse the area to make it safe for his children?
I am not sure of the significance of it but every time that God wants to wipe out everyone in an area there is a group called the Nephilim involved. You see them in the flood, they are related to the groups that Abraham fought against, they were in the land of Canaan (which is this instance), and they seem related to the giants of Gath.

Like I said, I have yet to figure out the connection but :hmmm:
The Bible explicitly says these people were doomed and therefore dedicated to God. I wonder how these people were treated at their particular judgement? Perhaps we will find that doomed peopled were given special treatment. Perhaps when we understand all of God plan we will understand it was lucky for these people to be doomed.
My Christology professor at the College of St. Thomas did not believe in the Incarnation. He wanted to see (know and understand) before he could hear (believe). “They have eyes, but cannot see. They have ears, but cannot hear.”

Concerning God and Joshua, one cannot explain God’s ways. Furthermore, one cannot explain God’s ways to another person if that person does not want to believe; it is mystery squared or cubed. Faith is infinitely above our ability to understand.

Jesus said to hear first, and then we will see. Believing is seeing.

I teach high school theology. If the students believe drunkenness is evil, then I can begin to explain why it is evil and sinful. If they do not believe it, I cannot explain it.

In science, most of the science teachers believe the earth is round. Most science teachers have never measured the earth and triple checked their measurements. If they don’t believe the earth is round, they cannot begin to understand the Coriolis effect. Also, as far as I know, no scientist has seen an electron. They must believe those who put forth the research. Science has many things that we believe.
Here is my advice on how to confront your new age friend.

Casually mention that you were reading Goethe’s Faust the other day, and it said doctor Faust sold his soul to the devil. Now this concerns you because how could someone sell their soul? I mean, you can’t put it in an escrow account, or draw up legal papers. So how could this be such a highly regarded book if it’s so full of what any college educated person can see as nonsense?

When your friend tells you to calm down, that you are reading the classic text at an embarrassingly superficial level - there, right there is your opening. It’s the same thing with Joshua.
Here is my advice on how to confront your new age friend.

Casually mention that you were reading Goethe’s Faust the other day, and it said doctor Faust sold his soul to the devil. Now this concerns you because how could someone sell their soul? I mean, you can’t put it in an escrow account, or draw up legal papers. So how could this be such a highly regarded book if it’s so full of what any college educated person can see as nonsense?

When your friend tells you to calm down, that you are reading the classic text at an embarrassingly superficial level - there, right there is your opening. It’s the same thing with Joshua.
That’s brilliant!
Sugar Ray:
I need to defend God’s commanding Joshua to destroy the men, women and children of enemy towns. I have a new age friend who is using this to prove that the Bible is not infallible because it is impossible for a loving God to have commanded such a thing. Therefore since the Bible is wrong about Joshua we are free to question any scripture.
This is probably not going to be the answer which you want to hear, but I would say that we are free to question any scripture, and that the Bible itself suggests that we should do so. Abraham questions God when God announces the intention to judge Sodom. Moses questions God when God announces the intention to wipe out the Israelites over the Golden Calf. The list continues, and God never rebukes any of them for it.

If you look at Genesis 1 and Genesis 2, you will see that the sequence of creation is different with respect to the animals and the humans. The people who compiled the Bible cannot have missed that, but it did not bother them. They regarded the Bible as true, but not always literally true. This is a text which we are supposed to be thinking about.

If your New Age friend is determinedly hostile to the Bible or Christianity, then you will never be able to ‘prove’ him/her wrong, and any attempt to do so may be regarded as a personal attack. In this case, just keep praying.

If, on the other hand, your friend is a reasonably intelligent and open-minded person, I would like to suggest that you could discuss the issue with him/her in an open and honest manner. When you are asked a question to which you do not know the answer, say, “I do not know.” If something is asserted which you feel to be inaccurate (e.g., the Bible lies; God is cruel), then say, “In my understanding/experience, that is not quite accurate.” Openness and honesty shall take you much farther than the most crushing of arguments, which may defeat your opponent but cost you your friend.

You could suggest that your friend should look closely at Jonah, and see how God’s mercy towards a nation of pagan, homicidal Gentiles comes through in that text. You could also read through other texts with him/her, and discuss them together in openness and honesty. I would be surprised if anyone could go through that without falling for God.

There is a very good reason why people have respected the message of that Book for 3 000 years.
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