Defending the church against abuse attacks

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Can anyone point me to any good resources that defend the Church against sexual abuse allegations.

Here is my scenario, I am debating with Atheists about prophecy and its going really well then they throw in a case of a sexual abuse by a Priest, which happened. Any good resources against these attacks, how can I deal with them.

God Bless.
Look up statistics on pedophiles by jobs. I think the highest rating was School Teachers. Married men rate higher on the abuse scales than Priests.

Can anyone point me to any good resources that defend the Church against sexual abuse allegations.

Here is my scenario, I am debating with Atheists about prophecy and its going really well then they throw in a case of a sexual abuse by a Priest, which happened. Any good resources against these attacks, how can I deal with them.

God Bless.
An attack is simply that- an attack. My question would be- is this relevant? To a debate on prophecy?

Perhaps this is the hidden assumption- that if the Church were God’s Church, there wouldn’t be such nightmarish people in leadership positions.

Then again, Judas was one of the original twelve.

There is a deeper difficulty- “Why would a good and loving God allow THAT to happen.”

That’s deeper than a debate on prophecy. I am not certain anybody has the complete answer to that.

On a more superficial level, there is the question of “how come we ordained people who would later turn out to be monsters?”

I would refer you to a book called “Goodbye Good Men”, by Pete Rose. He makes a good case that people with certain agendas- and not very pious ones- were frequently calling the shots about who would get ordained.

But, there will always be a few good men left. Just try moving to a different state, or even overseas. Almost anywhere I go, I can see the faith being lived out by rock-solid priests.

A charming Irish lady once told me that the Church is like a weed. The more you try to pull it up, the more it grows back. : )
Look up statistics on pedophiles by jobs. I think the highest rating was School Teachers. Married men rate higher on the abuse scales than Priests.
However, the qualifications to become a married man, or even a teacher, are presumably far less strict than what we expect from priests. When the Church argues that the percentage of sex abuse cases is no greater inside its ranks than in the general population, it is a bit disingenuous – to be part of the general population, all you have to do is be born. To become a priest, you are supposed to be vetted, educated and formed in the faith.
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