Can anyone point me to any good resources that defend the Church against sexual abuse allegations.
Here is my scenario, I am debating with Atheists about prophecy and its going really well then they throw in a case of a sexual abuse by a Priest, which happened. Any good resources against these attacks, how can I deal with them.
God Bless.
An attack is simply that- an attack. My question would be- is this
relevant? To a debate on prophecy?
Perhaps this is the hidden assumption- that if the Church were God’s Church, there wouldn’t be such nightmarish people in leadership positions.
Then again, Judas was one of the original twelve.
There is a deeper difficulty- “Why would a good and loving God allow THAT to happen.”
That’s deeper than a debate on prophecy. I am not certain anybody has the complete answer to that.
On a more superficial level, there is the question of “how come we ordained people who would later turn out to be monsters?”
I would refer you to a book called “Goodbye Good Men”, by Pete Rose. He makes a good case that people with certain agendas- and not very pious ones- were frequently calling the shots about who would get ordained.
But, there will always be a few good men left. Just try moving to a different state, or even overseas. Almost
anywhere I go, I can see the faith being lived out by rock-solid priests.
A charming Irish lady once told me that the Church is like a weed. The more you try to pull it up, the more it grows back. : )